Questions tagged [reference]

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1 vote
1 answer

Does an official version of the rules of backgammon exist anywhere?

I am surprised that I even have to ask this question, but here I am. If I were talking about some obscure board game only ten people in the world know, it would be safe to assume the official ...
1 vote
1 answer

Unique Assets with same name in my possession

When Encounter instructs me to gain new Unique Asset and I receive the same card that I have in my possession. What happens? Do I get both of them or I should discard the card I have?
0 votes
3 answers

Is there a reference sheet I can print for the characters?

I think Citadels is an awesome game, but playing our first game last night, I found many of us frequently wanted to refer to the character sheet in the rules to get an overview of all of the abilities....
10 votes
1 answer

German Carcassonne fan expansions - available in English?

I was browsing the Hans im Glück website and found two 'official' fan-made expansions for Carcassonne. The expansions are called: Die Stadttore (The City Gates) Der Osterhase (The Easter Bunny) ...
2 votes
1 answer

English names for Machi Koro cards

My version of Machi Koro is not in English and none of the online manuals I found contain the building names. Can anyone provide a complete list of card cost and names? Card text would be helpful as ...
2 votes
1 answer

Where can I find the rules?

Many years ago, I bought a game called 'Elixir', in which the players represent wizards trying to obtain the ingredients for the Elixir of Life. Unfortunately, I've lost the rules, and I can't find ...
6 votes
3 answers

Where can I find D4 dice that are truncated tetrahedrons?

The points are truncated (so it technically has 8 sides). The die cannot come to rest on these small, truncated, sides, which have the opposite large side number printed on their face. These seem ...
7 votes
1 answer

Where can I find the rules for 7 Wonders and its expansions?

Are the rules for 7 Wonders and the expansions available online?
4 votes
3 answers

Where can I find the most reliable information on upcoming boardgame releases?

Usually I just troll my FLGS to see what new has popped up and that works for me. However, right now I have a pressing need to figure out what games have been recently released, and which will be ...