Neal Tibrewala's user avatar
Neal Tibrewala's user avatar
Neal Tibrewala's user avatar
Neal Tibrewala
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
45 votes

Is there much strategy and planning in 7-Wonders or is mostly luck?

34 votes

What are good general strategies for Pandemic?

22 votes

How does the Amazons "+4 When Attacking" power work?

17 votes

Does card-counting work in online Blackjack?

13 votes

Chess variant that allows humans to be competitive vs computers

13 votes

In Ticket to Ride, how do you overcome bad initial tickets?

12 votes

Merlin always gets stabbed

11 votes

Chances to win battles in Risk

11 votes

Getting started with trick-taking games (whist, euchre, bridge, pinochle, etc.)

10 votes

How can I make Shadows Over Camelot play better with 3 or 4 players?

10 votes

In Poker is it true that "you must give action to get action"?

9 votes

What's a good strategy for Shadows over Camelot?

8 votes

Are the A-sides and B-sides of the wonder boards really balanced?

8 votes

Evaluating an opponent in a game you're familiar with?

8 votes

When do trading deals become too unbalancing?

7 votes

In Alien Frontiers, how does Raider's Outpost work after a ship has been teleported to another Orbital Facility?

7 votes

Best method for evenly distributing epidemic cards in Pandemic setup?

7 votes

Do good bridge players memorize all cards played?

7 votes

What is the best method to choose whom to lynch on the first day?

7 votes

Guillotine: Face up or visible?

6 votes

Are cut cards reshuffled in blackjack?

6 votes

Dice with an average roll of zero?

6 votes

Choosing early round paintings to auction in Modern Art

6 votes

Is there a way to approximate Hold'em blind increases to time a game?

6 votes

Reuse Quorum cards with "Give this card to another player"

6 votes

Non-team variants for four or more players in Mille Bornes?

6 votes

Does my Carbonite Cousin need feeding?

6 votes

Race for the Galaxy vs. San Juan and Puerto Rico

5 votes

What can dead Werewolves players be doing?

5 votes

Do non-random alternative methods of choosing a starting player actually WORK, and if so which?