Amonkhet introduced a rules change in 2017 to simplify split cards. When not on the stack, a split card's CMC is the sum of its halves. When on the stack, it has the CMC of whichever side is being cast, or both combined in the case of split cards cast using the Fuse ability (Both halves are treated as one single spell, with the characteristics of each half combined). From the Comprehensive Rules:
708.3b While on the stack, only the characteristics of the half being cast exist. The other half's characteristics are treated as though they didn't exist.
- 708.3 A player chooses which half of a split card they are casting before putting it onto the stack.
708.4. In every zone except the stack, the characteristics of a split card are those of its two halves combined. This is a change from previous rules.
- **708.3b** While on the stack, only the characteristics of the half being cast exist. The other half's characteristics are treated as though they didn't exist.
- 708.4 In every zone except the stack, the characteristics of a split card are those of its two halves combined. This is a change from previous rules.
- **708.4b** The mana cost of a split card is the combined mana costs of its two halves. A split card's colors and converted mana cost are determined from its combined mana cost.<br>
708.4bExample: Assault/Battery's mana cost is {3}{R}{G}. It's a red and green card with a converted mana cost of 5. If you cast Assault, the resulting spell is a red spell with a converted mana cost of 1. - 708.4d The mana costcharacteristics of a fused split card isspell on the combined mana costsstack are also those of its two halves. A split card's colors and converted mana cost are determined from its combined mana cost.
Example: Assault/Battery's mana cost is {3}{R}{G}. It's a red and green card with a converted mana cost of 5. If you cast Assault, the resulting spell is a red spell with a converted mana cost of 1(see rule 702.101, "Fuse").
- 708.5. An effect that asks for a particular characteristic of a split card while it’s in a zone other than the stack gets two answers (one for each of the split card’s two halves).
- 708.6. Some effects perform comparisons involving characteristics of one or more split cards in a zone other than the stack. - 708.6a An effect that performs a positive comparison (such as asking if a card is red) or a relative comparison (such as asking if a card’s converted mana cost is less than 2) involving characteristics of one or more split cards in any zone other than the stack gets only one answer. This answer is “yes” if either side of each split card in the comparison would return a “yes” answer if compared individually.