- The only counterspell is Memory Lapse (this is actually better now than it was back then -- remember this was competing with Counterspell and Mana Drain).
- There are no real card draw spells. There is one looting spell, Forget, and one search spell, Merchant Scroll; all the other "draw a card" cards are cantrips.
- The only straight-up removal spell costs 5 (beyond that, you've got the annoyingly-specific artifact-smashing Legends and Serrated Arrows, which is one of the few cards to escape Homelands and actually see competitive play).
- The only sweepers are a couple of cards that do 1 damage to everything (e.g. Dry Spell) and Apocalypse Chime.
- There's no real burn in the entire set. Direct damage is limited to overcosted pingers and cards like Winter Sky.
- There are no mana-ramp cards in the set. Only RenewalRenewal, which is an awful Crop Rotation.
- There are a lots of cards like AEther StormÆther Storm and Aysen Highway -- which do practically nothing (one notable exception: An-Zerrin Ruins).
- Its flagship cards are Legends-style giant honkin' Legends that are practically unplayable against the competitive decks of its day.
Now, Homelands was never really meant for stand-alone play; note the inclusion of LeechesLeeches, for instance, without any in-set poison cards. As a 1995 Duelist article explained: