With a part score of 60 to 0 (neither side vulnerable), I dealt and bid a "strong" 1NT with:
♠ QT3
♥ KQJ8
♦ KJ93
♣ K5
- "West," to my left, overcalled 2 clubs.
- Our respective partners passed to me.
- I doubled (for takeout).
- West rebid 2 diamonds.
- All passed, and we set them 3 undoubled.
My partner had something like:
♠ xxxx
♥ xxxx
♦ xx
♣ Qxx
and might have bid (2 clubs) "garbage Stayman" if West hadn't.
My takeout double was meant to produce this effect, and probably a two hearts contract, except that West took me out.
Did West effectively "rescue" me by overcalling, meaning that I should have kept silent?
Or was it right to double to try to force partner to bid in this situation, risking a downed contract, to deprive the opponents of their (likely) 40 point part score?