I asked a similar question recently. However, i believe this question to be different since that question was in regard to "incomplete" ranks. This question is in regards to a rank that is completely removed from a rear attack.


  • Funit = friendly unit.
  • Eunit = enemy unit.

A few scenarios here.

  1. FunitA contains a unit of infantry and my general. They are attacking EunitA in the front. EunitB is attacking FunitA's left flank. My general is on the far right flank of FunitA. The entire unit of FunitA is killed except my general. EunitB is no longer in base contact with my general. What happens in this scenario? Does EunitB automatically move into base contact with my general or can they still attack even though they are no longer in base contact?
  2. FunitA contains a unit of infantry and my general. They are attacking EunitA in the front. EunitB is attacking FunitA's left flank. FunitB is attacking the rear flank of EunitB. FunitB kills the entire rear rank of EunitB and is no longer in base contact with any models from EunitB. What happens in this scenario? Does FunitB automatically move into base contact with EunitB or do they attack across the gap even though they are not in base contact with any model of EunitB.
  3. Same scenario of number 2. Except there is a EunitC attacking the left flank of FunitB at the same time. FunitB kills all of EunitB's rear rank and loses base contact with EunitB. What happens now?

Thanks, and i know it is wordy. I tried my best to explain the scenarios. Let me know if you need clarification.

1 Answer 1


You've got some tricky scenarios there - I'll do my best (with diagrams)

Scenario 1

enter image description here

What happens if EUnitA kills FUnitA but not the general?

The first thing to test for is whether the general runs away, given he's flanked, outranked and has had his entire unit die around him this is a very real possibility. I'll assume he doesn't either because he's stubborn, unbreakable or has rolled snake-eyes.

The first rule to remember is that you cannot die out of combat deliberately, however it it occurs and EUnitA is released then they are no longer in the combat and can move, charge and shoot as per normal. This question considers what happens if they're not released from combat because of a challenge.

Scenario 2

enter image description here

What happens if FunitB kills the entire back rank of EunitA and is no longer in combat?

They take a step forward and remain in combat. Move as few units as possible.

Scenario 3

enter image description here

This one is vague, it's one of those scenarios which occurs so rarely it's not really covered in the rules and you have to use a little common sense.

The issue is that if FUnitB don't take a step forward you're losing a significant number of attacks per turn.

My advice would be to:

  • Keep it as a single combat
  • Move FUnitB forward
  • Allow your opponent to bring EUnitC with you so they do not lose any attacks in the process.

I don't have a rulebook quote to back me up but I would suggest that nudging the units so it's fair for everyone.

If you really can't decide which is fairest then both state your cases, roll a die and abide by the result. People can spend longer working out these tiny edge cases than playing the rest of the game - at the end of the day try to do what's fair and practical.

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