I love drafting, but most of my experience with it is watching MTGO videos or playing on MTGO myself. There you can see your picks during the whole drafting part, sort your cards several ways, and even sideboarding the worst cards as the draft goes on, ending with a deck almost ready.
Where I draft IRL, we are only allowed to look back at our picks between boosters, and not during a very long time (casual, but still). Can I maybe separate my picks in (face-down) piles, so that I can at least see how many colors/creatures/whatever I have (possibly going to the extreme, with piles for each color/card type/cost) ? I have limited memory and have a hard time figuring if I should prioritize medium 2-drops, because of curve reasons and I already have too many removals anyway, etc, all of which would not be a problem if I could look at my cards. Things I've considered focusing on remembering (all at once is out of the question) :
- How many creatures/non-creatures
- How many in each color
- How many 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 drops
- How many removals/spells that do nothing if I don't have a creature on the battlefield
What should I focus on ? Is there a better way to draft IRL compared to MTGO ?