You are vulnerable versus not, when your right hand opponent opens one heart. You are sitting on the following "powerhouse," but one that is "offshape" for the calls you want to make:
(s)AK54 (h) J43 (d) Q6 (c) AKJ8.
This hand is fine for a takeout double of one diamond, but not one heart. Even so, an expert (Frank Stewart) recommends doubling with this hand because the extra high card points (18 in total) may well compensate for the bad shape. The actual bidder opted for a 1 spade overcall with four cards in the suit, ended in a "Moysian" 4-3 fit when responder cue bid two hearts, and made it because of his "extra" strength.
Change the two black kings to tens (giving me only 12 high card points) and I would pass, and I might do so with 15 (only one black king). Do the extra points give the bidder "leeway" to either double or overcall with an otherwise unsuitable hand? If so, is either "double" or "overcall" or something else the better choice?