In Sid Meier's Civilization, the Communism technology allows another players' movement to be interrupted to prevent figures from leaving a specific square.

What exactly does this mean, does this mean that if my opponent says I'm moving from here to there to attack you, and I spend the Spy resource to interrupt movement, I make him stay in his original square?

Or does it mean that my opponent must always move his figures 1 square at a time, and I play the Spy resource to stop him in his tracks as he moves?

Is there an official answer to this somewhere?


4 Answers 4


You may interrupt the figures movement in any place between the starting point and ending point. Including the starting and ending points.

This can be argued By the official FAQ (v.2.0)

Q: If a player has the Navigation tech and is moving a figure across water but cannot end in water, and his opponent stops that figure’s movement in a water square using the resource ability on the Communism tech, what happens?

A: The figure stops in the water square. In this case, the resource ability on the Communism tech overrides the rule that figures cannot end their movement in water

In this case, the moving player was intented to move from the other side of the lake/river to the other side. The movement was interrupted with the spy between the starting and the ending point.

In practice, if for example my friend is attacking me in his turn, coming from 5 tiles away and says "draw your cards, I'll attack you", I would respond "hold on a second, mate. I'll got a spy in you camp.. ;).Now just say that which route you used to come over here..?". He now shows the route and I use my spy and say "This is the place where my spy came in and interrupted your movement".

The Itchis huge summary of Official and Unofficial rules and clarifications in BGG has more notes on the Communism tech.


You make him stay at original place. You can do this to any figure, even if the figure is planning to attack someone else and not you. The reason it says "may interrupt a movement" is that you are allowed to use this ability out of your turn, when someone else is doing the movement you can interrupt them. You dont necessarily have to use this ability in your own movement turn.

  • 1
    I already know that it can be used out of my turn. That wasn't the question.
    – ardavis
    Commented Sep 4, 2013 at 19:50

The answer to your question was the first sentence "You make him stay at original place". So for that entire turn, the figure cant move.

  • 1
    How do you know that the opponent isn't supposed to move his figures one square at a time, and then when I 'interrupt' him, he stops his figures, and doesn't return them to the original location?
    – ardavis
    Commented Dec 13, 2013 at 15:40

The spy operates to prevent movement into the first land square that it controls.

If your piece is starting on land, your spy can prevent it from moving to any adjacent land square, thereby "freezing" it in place.

If your piece is starting on sea, the spy can prevent it from "landing" (that is reaching any available land square). It has to remain at sea, overriding other rules that say that it is not supposed to remain at sea.

  • Where exactly does it tell that it must be a land square?
    – Niko Fohr
    Commented Feb 12, 2015 at 18:21
  • @np8: Spies operate on land.
    – Tom Au
    Commented Feb 12, 2015 at 19:09

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