given the nature of the hex grid, and the way loops count,
A _
/ \
\_/ 6
_ _
B / \_ C / \_
\_/ 7 \_/ 7
_ _
D / \_ E _/ \_
\_/ 7 \_/ 7
_ _
F _/ \_ G / \_
_/ \_/ \_ \_/ \_
A is a circle - you can only count each chunk once.
B is is a circle with a spike. You start counting at the spike, and end when you loop back.
C is similar - you can count either the second spike, or the return to the base of the first spike, but not both
D is 7 - you ignore one spike or the other, because if you go spike to spike, you get 6 the long way.
E is like D - only one spike counts.
F, you ignore the either the bottom or the top of the loop - and get 9 either way
G you will ignore the one in the middle - and get 10 - because the spurs are longer (2 and 3) than the one in the middle.