Multiple decades ago, I was introduced to a game as described in the title of this question. What I can remember of it is:
The two rooks had different functions. They were distinguished by placing one of them upside down.
One piece was called a "retractor". It captured by moving to a square adjacent to the target piece, then moving away on a subsequent turn, unless the target moved first.
Another piece, called an "immobilizer", prevented any adjacent opposing piece from moving. Two adjacent opposing immobilizers could create a permanent mess.
Yet another (whose name I forget) captured by moving to a position such that it, the king of its color, & the target formed a right triangle, with the king at the right-angle vertex. There were both obvious & less obvious configurations that met this condition. (E.g., the king could be in a "knight's move" direction from each of the other two.)
I believe another piece could capture by jumping its target, checkers-style, though not necessarily diagonally.
I have no recollection of how any of the pieces moved; nor, for that matter, what the object of the game was. I would be grateful to anyone who can provide any further information, especially the name of the game, or any pointers to a complete set of rules.
Thank you very much.