I like playing Settlers of Catan with one extension: "Catan: Event Cards"
The deck consists of 36 dice cards to represent the 36 different combinations that can be rolled with 2 dice. This means that number "rolls" are evenly distributed according to its probability.
How can I get this running on Android? Is there a way to roll two dice with predictable probability?
There is one Android app, where you can use those cards, but unfortunately there is one card in it that causes shuffling of all cards, which destroys the probability sorting.
- http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/20038/catan-event-cards?
- http://www.catan.de/spiel/ereignisse-auf-catan
Especially in settlers I would also like to take the sevens out of the pile and roll each turn only to have random amounts of sevens but if I didn't roll a seven I would take one card instead.
Also optimal, I would like to have such a dice app that allows to set the number of dice to one or more and roll accordingly to play other games too.
How can I get this running on Android?