I have found a possible problem in this joseki, see josekipedia:


enter image description here

They comment this white's move as "Makes life". But it seems to me that white is dead actually - what about this sequence?

$$c Black kills white?
$$ ---------
$$ ...3412.-
$$ .XXOO5OO-
$$ .XOXOOX.-
$$ ..OXXX.X-
$$ ......X.-
$$ ........-

So that T18 move seems like a big mistake. White perhaps should have played R19 instead and go to a ko fight?

So is there a mistake on josekipedia or did I miss something?

1 Answer 1


White Q19 is a mistake. The correct move is R18. Then Black can't connect at Q19 because the stones would still be in atari.

$$c White survives!
$$ ---------
$$ ..63512.-
$$ .XXOO4OO-
$$ .XOXOOX.-
$$ ..OXXX.X-
$$ ......X.-
$$ ........-

After the capture, a and b are miai to make White a second eye.

$$c Resistance is futile!
$$ ---------
$$ ..Oab.O.-
$$ .XOXOOX.-
$$ ..OXXX.X-
$$ ......X.-
$$ ........-
  • and taking 3 stones yields an eye (it s important to add, as if there was only 2 it could be a false eye) Commented Aug 9, 2015 at 22:54
  • Sometimes even taking three gives a false eye.
    – TimK
    Commented May 4, 2018 at 12:37

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