So there is some ambiguity in the rules about Boars where the example seems to conflict with the rule statement. This leads to the question:
Can Boars go inside the cave (For example in the base room or the mixed dwelling)?
Evidence that any kind of animal may live in the starter dwelling:
- The text says 'pair of animals'
Evidence that only 'farm animals' may live in the starter dwelling:
- p20 example says 'The entry level room of your cave can hold 2 Farm animals of the same type.'
These seem to contradict each other mildly (farm animals or any animal?). This inconsitency may indicate possible errors in rules diagrams.
More evidence for inconsitency in diagrams:
- Dogs are counted as farm animals in the example on page 6
- It is stated on page 10, 'Dogs are not considered farm animals'
These two pieces of information explicitly contradict. Therefore we must conclude there may be errors in the diagrams on the rules. However, if boars are explicitly farm animals, there is no issue. So this ruling depends on what is actually a farm animal.
Evidence for Boars as Farm Animals:
- They are in the house diagram on p10.
- On p10, they are indicates as breeding animals, and it is stated that only farm animals breed.
- They are in pastures on pp 6,20
Evidence against Boars as Farm Animals:
- They are called Wild Boars on Page 1 of the Rules book. Farm animals are not wild in the common language usage of the term farm and wild.
- On Page 5, picture, states 'A forest stable can hold 1 Wild boar, but no other animals' This differentiates boars from the other animals.
- There is no 'boar farming' action (which also true of cattle).
- On p20, an explicit distinction is made between a stable in a meadow and a stable in a forest. 'Boars may be in forest' which is presented in the context of an exceptionary clause to farm animals being able to be stored.
- It is not explicitly stated anywhere that 'wild boars are farm animals'
In summary:
- There is an implication that boars are farm animals.
- There is an implication that boars are not farm animals.
- There are clear and explicit errors in exemplary diagrams which may weaken the strengths of either side of these implications, and also possibly, the authority of the diagrams as opposed to the text.
So, absent a clear, congruous and consistent set of words, the original question becomes valid:
Can Boars go inside the cave?