Follow on to this question - with a similar setup, but a slightly different aim.
Setup: I have a Bazaar Trader in play and without summoning sickness and an Immortal Coil in hand. Neither I nor my opponent have any cards in their graveyard.
Question: Is there a way for me to win the game by casting the Immortal Coil and then immediately giving it to my opponent?
What I think happens:
- I cast Immortal Coil
- Immortal Coil resolves
- Immortal Coil checks my graveyard and finds no cards
- So it puts "I lose the game" on the stack
- In response to that going on the stack I activate Bazaar Trader targeting my opponent and Immortal Coil
- That goes on the stack too
- Stack is now {"opponent gains control of Immortal Coil", "I lose the game"}
- Top of the stack resolves and my opponent now controls Immortal Coil
- Immortal Coil checks my opponent's graveyard and finds no cards
- So it puts "opponent loses the game" on the stack
- Stack is now {"opponent loses the game", "I lose the game"}
- Top of the stack resolves and my opponent loses
What happens now? Do I win? Or does the other effect in the stack resolve and I also lose?