Is there a way to play the mafia party game online ?

  • I am a new user and I cannot add an answer. I developed a new version of Mafia online game. Unlike the ones that have existed so far, this one can actually be played in a very competitive way. I saw other sites and there is always an entire page about what is "against the rules". Like: "you must not use messengers outside the scope of the site." Something like that might be considered as cheating. To cheat someone should be the primary objective in the game, so this is why I created my own version. It is still being developed. You can check it here: bit.ly/mafiafer2
    – AndroC
    Commented Jan 25, 2015 at 16:19
  • Site moved to exposemafia.com
    – AndroC
    Commented Oct 16, 2016 at 18:28

12 Answers 12


I have previously played on Epic Mafia (which is linked to from the Wikipedia page in the question). They have the largest set of player characters I have seen, some of which makes the game extremely complicated!

  • Thanks tttppp. I played at Epic Mafia it is the kind of setup I was looking for
    – chirag
    Commented Mar 5, 2011 at 11:33

In addition to sites dedicated to mafia like those already described, a lot of forums that have a "Forum Games" section will be open to running mafia games if they aren't already - I play mafia regularly on http://forums.xkcd.com and have seen it being run on many other forums I frequent.

  • I only recently started playing mafia/werewolf on a football forum. Great great fun! I think I'd be terrible in a face to face game Commented Feb 26, 2014 at 11:05

I'm playing right now at http://mafiacity.org the game is just amazing!

Gameplay is amazing. Probably the best mafia mmorpg game online I ever played!

  • This site no longer appears to exist. Commented Aug 19, 2013 at 16:27
  • This site is now some kind of communication app.
    – nanofarad
    Commented Apr 16, 2015 at 22:24

Brainden.com is another great place to play for those just starting out in the online mafia party game world. The games are in the Forum section. Mafiamaniac.net runs games that are a little more advanced, but the membership is very active and helpful, even providing mentors for those who haven't played before. Here is a link to a mafia introduction/guide to playing that you may find helpful if you are new(ish) to the game.


You can play via IRC in #wolfgame on the Freenode network.


Anyhow, I wouldn't want to play on twitter, but if you search there are whole on-line sites dedicated to the likes of werewolf/mafia, so yes. Have fun.

This link is more useful than the wikipedia one:


The links at the end are what you're looking for.


There are also Mafia games played in forums like mafiascum.net.


http://www.gamerz.net/pbmserv/ hosts many games, abstract and social and otherwise, including Werewolf, via email.


You can play Mafia live, over webcams, at Daily Mafia.


Since no one else mentioned it: Mafia is, and has been, one of the top 10 Starcraft II Arcade maps for several years.

They added a lot of new features over the face-to-face game, including many that wouldn't be possible in-person. And since SC2 is so popular, it usually only takes a minute to find a full party of 12 people.

The game itself is $30 (sometimes you can find it on sale for $10), but you can play Mafia for free if you play with a friend who owns the game.


This app is probably one of the best werewolf apps I have come across.



Town of Salem is another Mafia clone.

  • Town of Salem is no longer free as of 2020.
    – James
    Commented Sep 17, 2020 at 19:07

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