So my friend thinks that Cowardice will get rid of Progenitus but since a spell can't target Progenitus it can't target it. Now he also said I can target it but it fizzles but he would be doing an illegal move if I'm correct.
What can get Progenitus off the field? I know counterspells can and anything that doesn't directly target Progenitus such as sacrifice a creature you control or In Garruk's Wake if I'm correct.
Basically as long as it doesn't specifically say target creature?
I'm doing a hydra deck but my friends run counterspells so I'm thinking of using Boseiju, Who Shelters All, Cavern of Souls, Grand Abolisher, and Banefire. (White Green Hydras) (Can run red for Bane)
Basically I wanna be able to get my big creatures on the field without being countered (also this would be on side board since only 2 of my friends run counters)