Wikipedia claims that werewolf/mafia requires "At least 6 people" but all calculations for that I can figure out results in the "evil" side winning the vast majority of the time. I would like to play something similar to this game live but have not been in a large social group (more than 6) that might enjoy such games for a number of years. I do, however, meet up with a group of 6 people where we do play board games occasionally. We have played 1 Night Ultimate Werewolf but that (though sometimes fun) ends up being a completely different game because players don't know their roles. I want to know if there is a smaller variation or modification to Werewolf or Mafia which can be played with the following requirements:
- Exactly 6 players are involved initially (though this number will obviously decrease)
- Players are eliminated by a voting process.
- All players know their own identities.
- Each side has a reasonably even chance to win.
- The game is fun
As of yet, Resistance (very fun) is the closest I've found but no players are eliminated. I think incorporating multiple "lives" into the game would work but I'm not aware of how that rule would be implemented.