This is based off of a review that I remember seeing, and I've never been able to find it again, nor remember its name. I believe that the game was originally Japanese with English rules, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
It was a 2-player duel game where you would have a handful of identical cards that corresponded to worker cards that would grant you various powers. The active player would select three workers and put them face down, then the opposing player would also pick the three roles they thought would be selected. Both players reveal, and if the defending player guessed any workers correctly, the active player doesn't get those cards' powers for the round.
After that, the active player gets the powers of any cards that weren't chosen, gains resources, and can spend them on miscellaneous cards with the end goal to buy two of the three major cards that I think were castles. First player to buy two wins.
There is also one upgraded copy of each of the workers that were available to buy, which would replace the main worker but could still be cancelled by a defender like normal.
Does anyone know which game I'm trying to describe?