I used to play a PC game about 15 years ago that was based on a card game. I remember the following details:
- It contained cards
- It had ancient battles theme
- Each card represented battle unit
- There were factions like Romans, Carthageneans, Egyptians, Maccabeans and more.
- Some factions were inherently stronger than others. Battles were often assymetrical.
- Game battles were based on real battles.
- Some of the units were - heavy infantry, light infantry, phalanx, chariot, elephants.
- Each player would put the cards in a row against the oponents row.
- There was some rule on when to draw the cards from your own deck and how to put them.
- Each card could attack only 3 cards which are approximate to it.
- If a card was attacked from leftmost or rightmost, it was considered "flanked" and depending on the unit, the attack might have got significant bonuses.
- The combat mechanics were not easy to understand
I've searched google with all the keywords I could think of, but can't find it. Any idea?