I'd prefer to use two spades myself. And save two clubs for a "weak two." Moreover, I was taught that "higher bids mean higher points" (all other things being equal). Two spades is the highest suit bid short of "pre-empts," and follows this rule. Two clubs doesn't.
With a five card (or better) major suit and 22+ points, I'm really asking for HCP from partner more than anything else. Because I'm going to assume (on averages) that partner has xxx or Qx in my suit. The expected responses (and points) are:
2NT 0-2 points. (No help. You're on your own). 3 Clubs 3-5 points. (One trick. Game possible with a reasonable fit.) 3 Diamonds 6-8 points. (Two tricks. Probable game, except with a terrible fit. Limited slam interest). 3 Hearts 9-11 points. (Three tricks. Possible slam.) 3 Spades 10-12 points. (Small slam or grand?)
The only "problem" is if my suit is hearts, and partner bids 3 hearts with 9-11 points (about half of mine). But that is a nice problem to have!
Under this system, spades would actually be my "real" suit almost half the time. (Hearts, the other half, plus the occasional NT, and with a minor, I'd use a different system.) You can't say that about a two club bid.
So why would you use two clubs over a system such as I've described? Or could you possibly prefer mine?