The Codex for Chaos Space Marines says on the data sheet for Chaos Space Marines

One model may take a Chaos Icon (pg 153).

Does taking a Chaos Icon replace the model's boltgun? Can the model with the Chaos Icon replace his boltgun with a chainsword and still have that with an Icon of Chaos?

1 Answer 1


Does taking a Chaos Icon replace the model's boltgun?


Can the model with the Chaos Icon replace his boltgun with a chainsword and still have that with an Icon of Chaos?

Yes. If a piece of wargear has to be swapped it will specifically say as much in the war gear entry. If it just says X models can take Y then you simply pay the points and they have the additional equipment.

  • Thanks - because I had the icon on a staff (left hand) it didn't seem possible to display the equipped weapon (all my chainswords are left handed and boltguns are two handed) and so I wasn't sure if it replaced it by necessity.
    – Mark
    Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 14:08

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