When I save a 2-stone handicap game with qGo 2.0.0 using GNU Go 3.9.1 as engine and then open it with the same software, the handicap stones are missing. This is quite annoying, as one has to imagine the missing stones and the scoring function will count them as territory or dame or treat the position as unsettled.
I can add them to the SGF file by hand, in which case they appear as unnumbered stones when I click the button for the first move, followed by white’s first move numbered 1.
It is evident that either the save or the load function is incorrect, and I suspect that it is the former, as handicap stones need not be on hoshi.
- Does the file format prescribe how handicap stones should be saved?
- If so, does qGo+GNU Go do it right?
- Is this function performed by qGo or GNU Go?
- Is the manual addition of the stones the best workaround?
Here is an example of an SGF-file saved and edited, with the handicap stones added by hand (AB[pd][dp]
at the end of the second line):
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