I'm trying to remember the name of a board game based on the phone game 'snake' This hasn't been easy to google as 'board game' and 'snake' return Snakes And Ladders.
I recall playing the game approximately 8 -10 years ago so would be at least as old as that.
Each player had a snake made up of wooden pieces. Players gave snakes movement orders with cards to go forward, left or right. I think you laid them face down in front of you for next three turns so all players would execute there first move and then lay a card for move in three turns time.
The objective I think was to collect 'apple tokens' which appeared on the board. As you did this your snake grew by adding a wooden piece to the end of it. I think each snake had a head piece which you moved and then just picked up the last part of the snake and moved to to the front to connect the head.
In terms of design I recall the board being a grid shape and decorated in forest/grassland green colours.
Hopefully this rings a bell with someone.