I want to print cards for my game, without using a commercially-available site. Basically, I'm looking for materials I could find in a store.
How do I make these cards in a work- and price-efficient way, making sure that they look nice afterward?
The cards should be able to be shuffled, much like poker cards.
I am building a Print and Play game, but so far I am not satisfied with the cards I was able to make. I tried printing them on thin paper and mounting on poker cards, and printing them on thicker paper. However both of these methods make the cards pretty much unfit for shuffling, since the paper goes off while shuffling. I saw that the game "Twilight Imperium" printed their cards on thin plastic. Is it possible to buy something like that and print directly onto the material?
tl;dr: Mounting paper-printed cards on playing cards does not work. Are there any good material out there that you can print on directly?