Is there a limit to the number of development cards one can play on their turn?
1 Answer
According to the Catan rules, you can only play one (1) development card on your turn.
You may build roads, settlements or cities and/or buy development cards. You may also play one development card at any time during your turn.
3This pertains to Knight or Progress cards. There is an exception for Victory Points.– LeppyR64Commented Feb 15, 2020 at 14:44
@LeppyR64 : The question is about "Development Cards". There are NO development cards in Catan Cities and Knights. From the rules, there are «6 “Defender of Catan” Victory Point Cards. Each VP Card is worth 1 VP and is placed face up in front of the player... Victory Point Cards must be played immediately when drawn. »… Commented Feb 15, 2020 at 15:26
1From the link you posted "You may only play 1 development card during your turn— either 1 knight card or 1 progress card. You can play the card at any time, even before you roll the dice. You may not, however, play a card that you bought during the same turn. Exception: If you buy a card and it is a victory point card Y that brings you to 10 points, you may immediately reveal this card (and all other VP cards) and win the game. You only reveal victory point cards when the game is over—once you or an opponent reaches 10+ victory points and declares victory."– LeppyR64Commented Feb 15, 2020 at 15:29
2@RobertMiller There may be some confusion here because later editions of Catan renamed “soldiers cards to “knight” cards. A terrible choice IMO since “knight” already has a different meaning in Catan. But “progress” and “knight” are 2 different types/categories of development cards. Commented Feb 15, 2020 at 15:58
4Note that VP cards are not ever played. You simply always have the VP the moment you buy the card. You simply reveal them when you reach 10 total points. You don’t play them. Commented Feb 15, 2020 at 15:59