My basic understanding is that all trades must involve the player whose turn it is.
Player A, whose turn it is, has ore and wants wheat. Player B wants ore and offers brick, which is not acceptable to Player A. Player C wants brick, and is willing to give wheat for it. So a three way trade would have Player A sending ore to Player B, Player B sending brick to Player C, and Player C sending wheat to Player A. Put another way, Player A gives ore to Player B and receives wheat from Player C.
Would such a trade be permitted under the rules? Looked at one way, Player A has dealt with both Player B and Player C. Looked at another way, there was a Player B to Player C leg (Player B sends brick to Player C) that did not involve Player A.
That is unless Player A first trades ore for brick with Player B, then brick for wheat with Player C. Can these two trades be made "simultaneous" through an "escrow" type arrangement? Or is this feature only reserved for say, "house rules?"