I still remember the rules pretty well, the name escapes me though. The cards look a lot like Phase 10, so I'm hoping my grandma didn't just make it up.
- Each player is dealt a hand of 6(?) cards
- Each player is also dealt a stack of 30 cards that is face down except for the top card which can be flipped
- And the remaining cards become the draw pile.
- The goal is to get rid of your whole stack of 30, by placing your cards on one of 4 spots around the draw pile.
- Each spot around the pile your trying to place cards in order of 1-12, once it reaches 12 the spot is restarted.
- You are forced to always place a card, and if no spot on either of the 4 piles is available, you have 4 rows by you that you can stack. You can take cards from it on your turn, but only in the order they're placed so you had to be careful.
- There were a couple of Free cards that you could place anywhere.
Even though it sounds complicated written out it was played pretty simply, and was a lot of fun. Hoping to find it again through some help on here, thank you!