I have just finished a rough deck using Gnostro, Voice of the Crags as the commander. The deck works by using Emissary's Ploy (choosing 1) to cast the deck's creatures(most of which are 1-drops) to bulk-cast spells, then use Gnostro to scry and put more spells on top. If an opponent is causing grief, you can stall a few turns and use the other abilities to gain life or remove the problem creature. Once you've amassed an army and drawn into Flying Crane Technique, swing and most likely win.
One problem I knew I was going to find is running out of cards in hand, so I tossed in a dozen draw spells(winged words, drawn from dreams, preordain, etc), and a Clear the Mind/Izzet Chronarch combo so I could keep a decent hand and theoretically always have draw spells in my deck. This works okay...until you don't draw one. Another noteworthy card that helps with hand size is Dragon Mage, but he becomes useless if there's a card you need to hold on to(like Flying Crane Technique).
I want to not have to worry about running out of spells, so I'm looking for a permanent that will let me draw when I either play a spell, play a creature, or scry. Any suggestions?
Note- thought about it a moment, and in case it's causing confusion, it does not have to be red-white-blue, it just has to be legal in a deck with a Jeskai commander.