In a "strong two" sequence of 2 clubs, pass, 2 diamonds, pass, I rebid 2NT, I'm saying that I can make 3NT with just a little help from partner. I would do this with a balanced distribution and 22 or more high card points. Responder is expected to raise to 3NT with 4 hcps or more.
In a "strong two" sequence of 2 clubs, pass, 2 diamonds, pass, I rebid 3NT, I'm saying that I can make 3NT with no or minimal help from partner (maybe a stray "ten" or sufficient length in my key suit to help me drop opposing honors).
(I reserve a direct 3NT for the "gambling" bid (with a long, strong, minor suit), so with a point count in the high 20s, I first bid two clubs, followed by 3NT.)
I have a vague recollection that a NT bid cannot have a range greater than five points. If that were the case, I could follow 2 clubs with 2NT for 22-26 points, but would need to bid 3NT with 27 in this style.
Is this rule generally true? And if so, does it apply in the case of a "strong two" sequence, rather than a "standalone" bid? The reason I'm concerned is that if dummy has "nothing," my 25-26, and even 27 high card points probably won't make 3NT, because I lack "transportation" to dummy.
This might be true even though the same point count could make 3NT if dummy had as many as 8-9 points of the combined points of the two hands. Left to my own devices, I would require 28, not 27 points for a "solo" 3NT bid. Or is this concern less valid than not if you have 27 hcps and a balanced hand?