Opening that hand would be very aggressive, and not something I'd support.
- You have maybe ten points. J9 of diamonds is pretty much zero, that neither is likely to take a trick nor is likely to help anything partner has take a trick unless partner is long in diamonds (in which case you'd just ruff the long ones anyway).
- You don't have a good heart suit. You could easily lose three heart tricks with that suit.
- Your spade jack is also pretty mediocre.
Don't count length AND shortness - count one or the other, if you're counting points. This is the worst distribution with a six card suit, remember, from a distribution-point perspective - you have to have two doubletons (or shorter) with a six card suit.
I'd be pretty upset if you opened this 1h opposite me. I also don't love 2h here (with only Ah and an outside ace, this isn't screaming "interfere") but certainly some would, especially in higher level competition.
Your partner needs to be able to trust that you're in a particular range when you open. Your bidding with this hand either means your partnership ends up in slams/games that you shouldn't be... or it means your partner adds a point to ranges, but then ends up not bidding games/slams you should be in. Both are not good.