The Pokemon TCG Rulings Compendium contains multiple rulings that imply that cards cannot be played if it is known their actions cannot be resolved.
For example:
Can I play Accompanying Flute if my opponent's Bench is full? - No
Can I use Professor Elm's Training Method if there are zero cards left in my deck? - No, you cannot search through your deck if there's nothing there to search.
Could I [...] search through my deck for a particular card if I already know that card is not in my deck? - Yes , you may.
These and other rulings imply that you cannot play a card to fail it if it is known that the action is unresolvable. Most players also know this to be true and play accordingly - The official rulebook, however, does not explicitly state this to be a rule and I cannot find a ruling that applies this logic to all cards.
While the rule can be inferred from past rulings to apply across all cards, is this rule stated explicitly in general terms in any official Pokemon TCG resources?