Does a Commander which has been turned into a copy of another card still do commander damage (i.e. will 21 damage dealt to a single player from the copy lose the game for that player)?
Alternately, does a card which has been turned into a copy of a commander do commander damage?
Examples of both cases:
Our antagonist has 50 life and no commander damage dealt.
Our protagonist has a (any) commander and Malignus on the battlefield.
Protagonist enchants Malignus with Infinite Reflection and then attacks with his/her commander (which is a copy of Malignus). Antagonist does not block. 25 damage is dealt. Does our protagonist win the game due to commander damage?
Our antagonist has 50 life and no commander damage dealt.
Our protagonist has a 6/6 commander and 3 other non token creatures on the battlefield.
Protagonist enchants his/her commander with Infinite Reflection and then attacks with all 4 creatures. Antagonist does not block. 24 damage is dealt (6 per creature). Does our protagonist win the game due to commander damage?
It seems like the answer to one of these questions should be yes. I feel like it's probably the first one (a commander turned into a copy of another card doesn't lose its commander-ness), but I'm not familiar enough with the rules to say for sure.