The 6th edition of 40K introduces AP for melee weapons. Previously many melee weapons where listed as "Ignores Armor Saves". Now they have an supposed to have Armor Penetration value just like ranged weapons.
Eldrad's weapon's rules are listed as:
...a melee weapon that wounds on a 2+ regardless of toughness and ignores armor saves
Yreil's weapon's rules are listed as: a Witchblade that ignores armor saves
Nowhere in the rules are they called out as being power weapons, which according to the new edition would cause them to be classified as Unusual Power Weapons and get AP3. They are also neither listed in the Master Rule Book appendix which is supposed to update all existing weapons for the new edition,
My inclination is to interpret them as written and say that no one can take armor saves against wounds caused by these weapons.
Is that the correct interpretation, or am I missing something in core rule book that would clarify the issue?