The standard game Werewolf, has just a few roles: Citizen, Werewolf, Witch, Cupid, Hunter, Seer, Thief. I know there are lots of other roles created.

Which roles do you use and what is the impact.

Default Roles

  • Citizen, cast a vote during the day.
  • Wolf, citizen, knows other wolves, chose each night a victim to eliminate from the game.
  • Witch, has two potions, each night the witch knows the victim of the wolves. She has one potion to save a victim and one to poison another player (hopefully a werewolf).
  • Cupid, choses two players the first night. These are the lovers. The lovers know each other and they have to survive together. If one dies the other dies too. If a werewolf and a citizen are lovers, they have to kill the others to win.
  • Hunter, if the hunter dies, he choses another player to die with him.
  • Seer, the seer can query a players role each night.

Other roles

  • Executer, during the voting, the executer can present himself and execute another player. Voting continues afterwards. The executer can execute only once.
  • Priest, if the votes are counted, the priest can present himself and use holy water on the victim. If it is a werewolf or the witch the victim dies, else the victim lives. Priests can have one or more bottles of holy water.
  • Guardian Angel, each night a guardian angel can protect a player. This player cannot be eaten by the werewolves. The guardian angel cannot protect himself.
  • *Alpha Werewolf *, this werewolf, can select another player to become a werewolf. This can happen only once.
  • Soul mates, soul mates are citizens that know each other. They can't become werewolves, if the Alpha werewolf tries to convert a soul mate, the attempt is failed.
  • 11
    I would include only the Citizens (Villagers), Wolves, and Seer in the "default roles". All of the others are extras, at least in the original Werewolf rules eblong.com/zarf/werewolf.html. Even the Seer could be considered extra; the original Mafia had just two roles, the Mafia and the Citizens: web.archive.org/web/19990302082118/http://members.theglobe.com/…. Commented Oct 20, 2010 at 20:06
  • 1
    I agree with Brian. If this was a wiki article, or I could edit it, I would. Also, it would probably improve the effect of the answer rankings if your moved all of your "Other Roles" into answers that could be voted on.
    – Sparr
    Commented Nov 11, 2010 at 5:36
  • I am voting to close this as primarily opinion based; it is social fun, and a "I have used X, what have you used?" question. It's a survey for new roles, regardless of quality, and not a problem to solve. Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 2:17
  • @doppelgreener since when are house rules opinion based? The answers to this question are plural, but finite, and are valuable to future visitors. I don't think this question should be closed in its current form.
    – freekvd
    Commented Jun 19, 2015 at 7:30
  • 2
    @freekvd This question matches multiple types of question to avoid asking: it's "I use X, what do you use?", every answer is equally valid, there isn't a concrete problem to solve, it's open ended. It's a list question, which do not function in the Stack Exchange format. Valuable, certainly, but SE has its functional niche, and we don't try to handle everything that might be valuable. This can be gathered on other sites that better fit it, like Reddit. (SE isn't trying to be a one-stop shop.) Commented Jun 19, 2015 at 7:38

9 Answers 9


I've played with several of the roles invented by The Graduate Mafia Brotherhood of Princeton University, but the most memorable was the Kingmaker:

A despotic regime has siezed power, usurping democracy. Each turn, there will be a King or Queen who has the sole power to decide who will be lynched. Open debate is allowed, but the day ends as soon as the King/Queen makes his/her choice.

The Kingmaker is a civilian, who, each night, names a King/Queen for the following round. The Kingmaker cannot choose himself, and he cannot choose the same person for two consecutive rounds. The Kingmaker must choose someone.

One game in particular, the Kingmaker's pleas of "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" went entirely unheeded. We played the rest of that game democratically.

I also noticed that with too many roles in use, moderation can get ridiculously hard.

  • I see a deadlock. If there are two people left, the kingmaker and the previous king/queen, there can be no king but there must be a king. Commented Oct 25, 2010 at 13:47
  • 3
    By that point, the game is already over anyway, so the winning condition applies. If the previous king/queen is mafia or a werewolf, he/she wins.
    – eswald
    Commented Oct 25, 2010 at 14:37

I like the Sheriff. This is an elected position. On the first day, before any lynchings, there is a public debate and vote to decide the Sheriff. The Sheriff then appoints a deputy who will take over if/when they are killed.

The Sheriff has two votes when it comes to lynching.

  • Do you play Sherrif-ful games with an even number of players?
    – Sparr
    Commented Nov 11, 2010 at 6:28
  • Yeah, it's a great way to resolve ties. Commented Nov 11, 2010 at 15:00
  • 1
    Just wanted to add/clarify that of course there can still be a tie when playing with a Sheriff, it's just that his choice prevails in such situations. (Imagine him having two and a half votes rather than exactly 2.0.)
    – RegDwight
    Commented Jan 6, 2011 at 22:05
  • Right, we used to have a Sheriff chosen by the moderator / game leader / dungeon master, and no deputy. We also called him Mayor.
    – Cerberus
    Commented Apr 22, 2011 at 19:13

We usually play it with:

  • the Immortal - if wolves choose to kill him, he doesn't die (he still can be lynched)
  • the Whore - each night she must choose a person to lie with: she dies if she chose a wolf, otherwise nothing happens (henceforth she knows that that person is not a wolf)

Mind that using the whore two people can die in a single night, giving an advantage to the wolves; usually this outweighs the whore ability of sometimes knowing that someone is not a wolf, especially if she's unlucky enough to choose a wolf on the first night.

  • Well, the "whore" is not precisely a politically correct denomination, but it gives the idea clearly... ;)
    – Manur
    Commented Nov 6, 2010 at 22:23
  • 2
    Do you have many female players?
    – morganpdx
    Commented Jan 5, 2011 at 21:45
  • 3
    Usually a little less then half of the players are female, why?
    – o0'.
    Commented Jan 7, 2011 at 12:11

These are mine. I am usually always the moderator, so I pick a few of these classes at random for game. It'd be ridiculous to use all of them at once. Though I have tried it for fun once. I number the cards for certain reasons. (You'll see in the roles) It also allows me to say their number instead of saying their role, unless they are the "Always in the game" roles, IE. Werewolves, Seer. You can chose which ones these are. That way players have to actually think on what the roles are. So for instance: Number three, wake up. What will you do? Me and my friends have played for a very long time, so we always know what to do.

Villager Normal town role, cannot do anything but vote at day.

Werewolf The werewolves have to kill everyone and be the last men standing. They are allowed to decide at night who to kill. They have a maximum of 1 minute, and can end their conversation short if they please.

Neighborhood Watch At night, the NHW can see everything, who visited who. This can only be done once.

Veteran At night, can go on alert and kill whoever visits them.

Mayor: Starts as a normal villager, but has the choice to reveal. Flipping his card and now his votes count as 3. You can pretend to be Mayor, but if you're not. You CANNOT flip your card.

Tanner The tanner was loved by all. But after drugs, his nain goal is to be lynched. Once he is lynched, he picks a number from X-Y (Depending on how many numbers are on the cards/how many cards there are) once he picks, the person with that number turns over their card at day, and has killed them self. If he is killed from some other form besides lynch, he fails.

Werewolf Hunter At night, the WH as 3 arrows. She can shoot whoever she wants, but if she runs out of arrows, she cannot kill anymore. This is a vigilante Town Role.

Vampire There is only one vampire. Every night, the vampire kills someone. The vampire is it's own team. It wins once it is the only one alive.

Seer The Seer can choose one person at night. If it is a killing role, he gets a thumbs down. If a villager, he gets a sideways hand, or a fist. If it is a special town role then he gets a thumbs up. Seer goes at the very end of the night. Important for witch.

Little Girl A worse version of the Seer. Every night she can choose someone to visit. However if she chooses a Killing Role, she dies. This includes WH. Once she inspects a Seer however, the current Seer dies. And the LG becomes a Sheriff. If the LG inspects the victim of a Werewolf, the LG and the victim both die.

Sheriff The sheriff can decide at night when woken up, to either have detailed descriptions of their "victims", or for when he inspects someone, to have the same rules as Seer, but the results are announced by the Moderator.

Hero The hero can choose one person to protect at night, but instead of the victim dying, the Hero and the attacker both die. This applies to ALL killing classes.

Mage The Mage at night, chooses one person to stun for the entire night, getting in the way of whatever he was about to do. ie. The werewolf attacks John, but is stunned by a mage. Thus it never happens. Whenever the Mage wants, he can decide to become a Magician, or a Witch.

Magician The Magician has a bunny and a magic stick. The bunny can distract (stun) someone, but only has one use. The Magic Stick protects whoever he targets, like a medic.

Witch Has 3 potions, Poison, and Stun. The stuns whoever he targets. Poison kills whoever he visits and himself. The witch can also mind control one person and make him do his action on another person. If a villager, then nothing happens. If a seer, then (and this is my favorite part) the Seer gets the results of the Witch's target, not the Seer's target. The witch does not see the results. The witch must go first, so that there are no mix ups for the other player's role results.

Executioner The executioner's goal is to get his target lynched. His target is a random player, and can even be a werewolf. The moderator, on the first night, tells the Executioner to wake up. The moderator then points (The moderator must be very specific for no mixups) to the target. The executioner's main goal is to get him lynched. If the target is killed at night, the executioner becomes a tanner.

Cupid Cupid goes second on night one, and decides who to people are to become lovers. The two people who are chosen are tapped by the moderator. The two open their eyes and look at eachother. These choices can be influenced by a Witch. If the witch chooses cupid to "Lover" someone else, Cupid will turn into a lover. Once Cupid dies, he can choose one person to kill themselves, if he wishes, he can abstain. Cupid cannot choose someone to die if he dies from Burst. Cupid wins from staying alive, and having the Lovers survive. If the lovers die, Cupid turns to stone. Once Cupid turns to stone, he has two choices. For the Werewolves to win, or for the villagers to win. He cannot work with the Werewolves in their conversation, or speak during the lynch. However at one point during the night, every night. He will be asked to shatter. Shattering will let him talk for one day, and die at night. He can lie about the Werewolves, or rat out the Werewolves. The Moderator will ask which side Cupid is on, a thumbs up is town. A thumbs down is Werewolf.

Lover Every night, the lovers wake up and without words, use their hands, arms, face expressions to make out a plan for 1 minute. If the lovers decide to, they can end this discussion short. Cupid is involved in this chat. Cupid has an over all decision on how the lovers will act. However if both Lovers agree, they can make Cupid burst. (Die) If cupid dies, nothing happens to the Lovers. Whoever kills the lovers, gets one extra life once they die. Making Lover and Cupid the hardest in the game. Once one lover dies, they both die. The lovers must stay alive until the end of the game.


Medic - Each night he/she selects someone that will not die that night. (Hopefully that someone is not himself). Everyone knows who is the Medic, but he can be a Werewolf.

  • 1
    Why wouldn't the werewolves finish him off the first night if everyone knows who he is?
    – Don Kirkby
    Commented Oct 20, 2010 at 20:03
  • Yes they can, but he can select himself to not die thus preventing a death that night.
    – eipipuz
    Commented Oct 23, 2010 at 7:22
  • I played this rule before but the role was called the 'Friendly Hitch-hiker'
    – Willbill
    Commented Oct 23, 2010 at 10:33
  • If the medic selects the medic each night, he can't be killed by a werewolf. So I assume he can't chose the same person twice in a row. Commented Oct 25, 2010 at 13:49
  • 3
    Sounds like a much lamer version of the Gurardian Angel above.
    – o0'.
    Commented Nov 5, 2010 at 11:35

A couple roles we use:

Vigilante - A villager who picks someone they think is a werewolf to kill each night. Can't be a werewolf. Can choose not to kill.

Little Girl - Can peek out during the werewolf's turn at night and see who they are. If she is spotted by the wolves, she dies.

Magician - Similar to the Seer, but where a seer can only query a player's role and get either is/is not a wolf, the magician can get role information about the player as well (for major roles we use; seer, healer, werewolf or villager, can be expanded with enough hand signs!)

Cupid - In our version of cupid, the star-crossed lovers don't know each other.

  • "If she is spotted by the wolves, she dies." WTFLOL, that's total nonsense.
    – o0'.
    Commented Jan 11, 2011 at 14:06
  • what's nonsense about it? The wolves have to see her peeking; if they can point her out, she dies.
    – morganpdx
    Commented Jan 12, 2011 at 20:39
  • 1
    That's a totally flawed rule, that cannot be enforced without risking ruining the whole game. It's absolutely opposite to the spirit of the original game where no "dexterity" is involved and where there can't be any unclear issue: either something happens or it doesn't.
    – o0'.
    Commented Jan 13, 2011 at 15:53
  • I disagree completely. There is no dexterity involved in opening or closing your eyes; since that is a required part of the game already. If the wolves spot the LG, they indicate that to the moderator, and the moderator indicates whether or not they are correct. Furthermore, this is a role we've used successfully for over two years.
    – morganpdx
    Commented Jan 13, 2011 at 18:54
  • 1
    One tactic sometimes used is for the Little Girl to just pretend to be a werewolf. That way she doesn't look suspicious and the werewolves won't ''figure'' it out.
    – ZeroStatic
    Commented Sep 16, 2014 at 12:33

The scapegoat - If there is a tied vote and the scapegoat is still alive they are lynched.


I invented the ressurector who can bring one person and one random card back to life every other round, but in my experience the ressurector always happens to die first which is weird.

You could also play where everyone has jobs as a cover during the day. There's a journalist who makes up a story about how everyone died, a gossiped who tells lies and blames others for the killing, and other jobs.

I play without villagers because when you play like that it can get boring sometimes for them. I use all special characters


Our moderator has started with the first night time kill being the previous sheriff. Then daytime. The moderator states the sheriff was killed and asks for any volunteers to take the badge (who gets two votes in ties). Then the game officially begins with a daytime lynching.

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