I opened a "strong two clubs." Partner bid 2 NT, which between us, meant "9-plus points, slam interest."
I bid my suit, 3 spades, with the following: (s) AKQxxx (h) AKx (d) Ax (c) xx. That's a 6-card suit with 22 points (20 in high cards, two more for the minor doubletons).
Responder bid 4NT, and we ended up in 6 Spades, which went down, because my left hand opponent had JTxxx of spades.
Partner had: (s) x (h) xxxx (d)Kxxx (c) AKxx.
She said, "I had 10 HCP, 12 counting the spade singleton. That, with your 22 should mean a small slam."
My response was, "Spade singleton" was the whole point. You should have downgraded your hand when you heard 3 spades, because you didn't have normal trump support. If you had xxx or Jx, the contract would probably have been made."
Should partner had "downgraded her hand" and refrained from bidding the slam with shortness in my spade suit?