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Can a Speed roll count as a Might attack?

My friends and I disagreed playing the zombie attack of Haunt 21. The rules say that zombies are only killed by attacks from Might weapons. Any other attacks will only stun them. Some people say that ...
ALS46jkakaHGJ's user avatar
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Can we stun without dealing damage?

In survival guide for Haunt #58 it is written: You cannot deal damage to the traitor. Does that mean we can't even stun the traitor? Maybe not because attacking to stun works only on monsters. What ...
Dialecticus's user avatar
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Can monsters attack multiple players on the monsters turn?

I am playing betrayal house on the hill 3rd edition and a bit confused on how attacking works on the monsters turn. On Pg 19 it says Monsters move differently than explorers, At the beginning of the ...
Yahya Uddin's user avatar
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Bloodstone and other omen cards usage

We were playing Widow’s walk last night and happened to start haunt 59 which is the Fleshchild one. Since we had no monster, but one of us became a traitor, he kept his omen/item cards and started ...
Georgi Dimitrov's user avatar
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Haunt #9 More than one traitor?

BAHOTH: In haunt 9 you roll the dice at the beginning of your turn. If you roll less than 4 you lose one sanity. If you lose all of your sanity do you become the traitor if there is already a traitor? ...
theprophet131's user avatar
2 votes
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Re-stun monsters at Betrayal at HotH

In Betrayal at House on the Hill, you can stun monsters by attacking them, however: they do not die. The rules say a stunned monster can be attacked again. Is a monster stunned again when attacked ...
ChaosCoder's user avatar
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Betrayal at the house on the hill movements/attacks

If a hero walks through a room that has a monster in it does the monster get to attack or is the only penalty the reduce speed? It seems so unlikely that a hero would be able to get in and out of the ...
Malydala's user avatar
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In Betrayal, does a monster really die after 1 hit?

We're playing betrayal-at-house-on-the-hill. If I read the rules correctly, when a player hits a monster, even just for one damage, he defeats it and the monster gets stunned. In my version of the ...
Konerak's user avatar
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In the game betrayal at house on the hill. What are all the ways to stun the zombie lord?

I'm playing betrayal at house on the hill and I had a discussion with my friend. The only way to damage the zombie lord is when a player has the medallion. However, when players do not have the ...
Aaace12's user avatar
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3 votes
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Haunt 42 - How does the traitor attack the [spoiler]?

The rules don't seem to say what are defense traits for the and they don't seem to say what the traitor attacks with?
Jim Horning's user avatar
3 votes
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Betrayal at House on The Hill, 2nd Edition - Monsters

First time playing - I've read through the instructions (3 times) and it mentions MONSTERS - how do the monsters come into play? The instructions talk about monsters having turns and their abilities, ...
Family Fun's user avatar
3 votes
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Betrayal at House on the Hill scenario where a hero dies after using a haunt-related item

If I have successfully used the ring to perform an exorcism (one of multiple required) and later that hero dies, does the exorcism still count? Or, does the successful attempt die with character who ...
Jody's user avatar
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Betrayal at House on the Hill: Haunt 2: The Séance

During the Séance Haunt, the hero's summoned the Ghost and started traveling around to complete their quest. The traitor then, attacked and killed the Hero who completed the Séance. Does this mean ...
Verillak's user avatar
9 votes
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Can I use the Angel's Feather to roll higher than the dice would allow?

For haunt 41 (Invisible Traitor) they are allowed 3 dice for their sneak attack, which is a max roll of 6. Can he use the Angel's Feather and choose 8 like the card says, even if the max roll he could ...
Taryn Painter's user avatar
4 votes
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Using an omen card, can you kill yourself?

Let's say I have Sanity 3, the last Sanity step on my character sheet, and I choose to use the omen card Mask. I roll a 4+, which means I can put on the mask to gain 2 Knowledge and lose 2 Sanity. Did ...
Ricsie's user avatar
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How do you resolve "nearest" when it is tied in Betrayal at House on the Hill?

If a game effect is supposed to happen to something which is nearest to something else, and more than one qualifying thing is equally near, and the specific effect does not designate a tie-breaker, ...
Cadrac's user avatar
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Scenario 20 - when is the end of my turn?

The haunt is #20, Ghost Bride. I am playing as Vivian Lopez, and I am the traitor. It is my turn. As Vivian, I do nothing particularly important. As the Ghost Bride, I attack the chosen groom, ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How does the stack work for the item "Device"?

Relevant card text: You may discard this card to add 3 dice to your attack roll, but you may only use that attack to steal something. How would this work in terms of the stack - for declaring ...
spooky's user avatar
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How does the bloodstone work?

I just lost a game with the villain using the bloodstone on everyone else's turn as well as there own to power up their rolls. How is that card supposed to be used. It says once per turn but doesn't ...
Themonkegamer's user avatar
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Shall monsters reveal their traits

When the haunt begins, shall the betrayal reveal to everyone their stats - might, speed, etc. or they should keep them secret?
John's user avatar
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Can monsters steal items and omens

If a monster beats a hero in a battle with more than 2 physical damage, can they steal some of their items/omens? And what will the monster do with them, if they can do that, can they use them ...
John's user avatar
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7 votes
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Are omens dropped as items

We played the haunt where the betrayal controls a zombie lord and many zombies. There was one omen (I do not remember its name) that can kill the zombie lord. Only this item can kill it. The hero ...
John's user avatar
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Can monsters use the mystic slide

Can monsters use the mystic slide? In one of the rooms we had the slide that leads to the basement. The haunt was the one where the betrayer controls one zombie-lord and many zombies. How we played ...
John's user avatar
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Should I read the instructions to Betrayal Legacy before the Prologue?

I'm starting a game of Betrayal Legacy next week. Everyone playing has played Betrayal at House on the Hill and/or Baldur's Gate, though it's been some time (months - years). I've played a lot, but ...
justforplaylists's user avatar
0 votes
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betrayal at house on the hill crystal ball and used items

Is a used item (lucky stone, angel feather, etc) returned to the deck after use or is it completely out of the game. The rules say "discard this item after you use it". I ask because with the ...
user24977's user avatar
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What kind of damage do you deal when successfully defending with Chalk?

The Chalk item allows the explorer who has it to defend with Knowledge instead of Might. If they successfully win the roll--that is, roll higher than their opponent--do they inflict mental or ...
Cadrac's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does the Candle item work with It Is Meant To Be?

Can you use the "Candle item card" with the "It Is Meant To Be" event card, in order to roll 5 dice instead of 4 to use later as the card describes?
Cooper Harrison's user avatar
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Does "number of heroes when the haunt was revealed" include the traitor? (Haunt 17)

Haunt 17 in the Secrets of Survival book states: Does "number of heroes when the haunt was revealed" include the traitor? If the game began with 3 players, will the heroes need to place 2 or 3 Candle ...
Stoz's user avatar
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How do we determine which monster joins the game?

I just played my first game and I love it! I have one question though. How is the monster that joins determined? I tried to look in the pamphlets and online and couldn't find anything. We just had the ...
PrayingMantisLawyer's user avatar
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Scenario 47: Replacing Dead Head With Body Token?

Just got done playing my first full game with three of my other friends. My buddy who introduced us to the game became the traitor, and we had a blast. However, the fate of the Heroes is in the hands ...
C. Jenkins's user avatar
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Do Haunt 21 Zombies Have Stats Reduced With Damage?

Pretty much the title: we played and did so, the regular zombies getting their might reduced each time they took damage. If this is correct, could they have the damage taken from their speed points ...
Zom Zom's user avatar
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betrayal at house on the hill attacking and lucky stone

A character attacks a monster. The character rolls their attack roll first. The monster rolls second, but the combat is simultaneous. If the attacker loses the combat roll can he chose to reroll ...
Mike G's user avatar
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6 votes
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Do the sides reveal their goals when the haunt begins?

On Betrayal at House on Hill, once haunt is revealed and everyone knows their parts do both sides then reveal what their ultimate goal is? Such as I , the traitor, have to release a demon and kill you ...
Gamelover75's user avatar
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Betrayal at house on the hill haunt #13 (Spoilers)

Me and the family bought the second edition of the game and from what we've played it's fun but.. but I'm so confused as to what tokens to use or how to set up the haunt. Is one of the players asleep? ...
Mr.Universe's user avatar
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Can a "hero" player voluntarily become a traitor?

Can a player who is supposed to be a hero character become a traitor by their own will? For example: if the haunt doesn't specify any hidden traitors or others but the hero character wants to help ...
Allison Wolfe's user avatar
8 votes
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Betrayal at house on the hill #43 the star-sickness

When you die as an explorer but are also a traitor, and are transitioning into an alien, do you still trade monster tokens to spread the trader infection? The trader died from the person who ...
Marissa A's user avatar
24 votes
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Can the Collapsed Room land you in the Mystic Elevator?

During a play-through this weekend, we stumbled on the odd happenstance of the Collapsed Room falling into the Mystic Elevator when drawn from the pile. Is there any rules related to this situation ...
Matthew Rodgers's user avatar
4 votes
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Betrayal at the house on the hill arsenal room and puzzlebox

If you open the puzzle box while standing in the arsenal room how many cards do you then draw? The Arsenal Room text says: When you draw an item card in this room, draw 2 cards and choose 1 to keep. ...
Dennis Sommermark's user avatar
0 votes
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Finishing a turn on a previously discovered room, draw icon card?

Do you draw an icon card for a previously discovered room if you end your turn there? Or are icon cards only taken when the room is discovered? I could not find it clarified in the rule book
brad's user avatar
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Floating eye win / loss condition [spoilers]

If a hero is broken out of mind control, they cannot be controlled again. Heroes that are controlled do not attack other heroes, only board the spaceship. Does this mean that if a single hero breaks ...
jcarpenter2's user avatar
5 votes
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How do traits work in Betrayal At House On The Hill?

Why are some character traits missing a number and some have repeated numbers? For example, Father Rheinhardt has two 7s in the Sanity trait but no 6 at all.
Lysander Palada's user avatar
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Can you combine the Ring and the Revolver to attack?

Can you combine the Ring and the Revolver to attack? One of the heroes was attacking with a line of direct sight with the Revolver and was using the +1 die bonus from the Revolver. They also had the ...
ikegami's user avatar
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Attacking someone that is using the Ring

The person holding the ring was being attacked by a werewolf. They claimed that since they were holding the Ring, the werewolf and the hero have to roll for Sanity instead of Might. I thought that ...
Samantha Fariss's user avatar
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Haunt #22 room choice

In Haunt #22, The Abyss Gazes Back, the house is collapsing into The Abyss. The traitor is sometimes allowed to choose the next room which will collapse into the abyss. One of the ways they can do ...
t-richards's user avatar
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What are Death's stats for the “Chess with death” haunt in Betrayal at the House on the Hill?

In the "Chess with death" haunt, death appears in a room and starts a chess game with the players. If a player isn't in the room to take their turn when death's turn rolls around, the players lose the ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
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Scenario 55, can you attack medusa without the mirror?

Played this scenario with a group today and got into a debate on whether or not you needed the mirror to attack Medusa. I know that the killing blow had to be made by someone with the mirror though.
Inferno's user avatar
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6 votes
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Drawing an event that moves you, do you still do tile text?

For example, I just discovered the Attic, which states: When exiting, you must attempt a Speed roll of 3+. If you fail, lose 1 Might Now I draw The Left Hand as the event card for this room, and ...
Kat's user avatar
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Do you waste your attack if you try to attack a monster that can't be attacked? [duplicate]

In haunt 28, the Traitor's Tome says: The Revolver and other Speed attacks can't be used against the Demon Lord. The Secrets of Survival book doesn't mention this. If a hero tries to make a speed ...
evldmon's user avatar
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8 votes
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In Betrayal at House on the Hill, what happens when a player owns the Holy Symbol and turns into a vampire?

We were playing a game of Betrayal at House on the Hill when one of us triggered the Dracula Haunt and turned into a Vampire. He picked up the Holy Symbol before so surely he would have to either toss ...
Sam Shi's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does drawing a card end your whole turn, or just prevent further movement?

Could you continue to use items or make rolls after drawing a card, since these don't involve movement? Based on the rulebook, I think the answer is no, but I'm not sure. From the rulebook, page 3: &...
JennyJen's user avatar