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Questions tagged [forbidden-island]

A cooperative game where 2-4 players try to escape a mysterious island after saving its four treasures. But the island sinks deeper with every step the adventurers take... Playtime: 30 minutes.

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4 votes
1 answer

"Helicopter lift" card

Just a small clarification regarding the use of the aformentioned card. I know that you can use it during others players' round. What confuses me is its use. Let's say I'm the one holding this card. ...
Αντώνιος Κελεσίδης's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Flood Card Question

I’ve drawn 1 of my 2 flood cards. My first card changed the water level to 3. So do I now draw 1 flood card for a total of 2? Or do I draw 2 more for a total of 3?
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How many times will we go through the deck before the island is sunk?

In Forbidden Island, how many times will we be likely to go through the deck before the island is sunk? I've tried to figure it out but I'm not sure how many Waters Rise! cards there are. I can see ...
ricksmt's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Forbidden island taking items

With an action, one may give items to another player. Can you take an item from a player with an action, or must you wait for their turn and have them give it to you?
Xlocked's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Forbidden Island Engineer's power?

In Forbidden Island, must the Engineer be either on or adjacent to a tile to shore it up?
Bob's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Forbidden Island - Extending to 5 players [duplicate]

I'm having friends over this weekend and we are going to play Forbidden Island, we are 5 all in all and was wondering if we can play Forbidden Island with 5 players. Are there any adjustments to be ...
Takeshi's user avatar
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Does anyone know a good way to play Forbidden Island with one player

Noone wants to play board games with me and I was wondering if you would need to change the rules at all to play with one player in Forbidden Island
Sam Kneale's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Navigator Role ability

If I am a Navigator and I decide to move my partner can I also assume an action through them also? For example if I move a partner 2 spaces beside a flooded tile can I shore up the piece for an action ...
vwguelph's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Helicopter Lift

If I'm playing Forbidden island with a friend and we have all 4 treasures do we have to have the "Helicopter Lift " card still to leave the island from the launch pad if they are the pilot?
vwguelph's user avatar
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0 votes
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Forbidden Island [duplicate]

We just played forbidden Island my partner was the pilot and we collected all four treasures and made it to the helicopter pad. Do we still need the "helicopter Lift card" to fly off the island with ...
Vic's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

When a treasure is recovered do you remove those treasure cards from the deck?

When using your four cards to get a treasure item do the treasure cards (and any extras that may be drawn or in another's possession) get removed from the game? This seems to drastically increase the ...
riv_rec's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can the diver swim around the outside of the island?

If the diver is able to reach the edge of the island, are they then allowed to swim around the edge to reach another tile on the edge of the island? Logically this would be sea, just as removed ...
Carasel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Trading item cards to another player that already has 5

On a player's turn can they give an item card to another player that already has 5 cards? Would that player just have to discard a card or is it not allowed?
riv_rec's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Forbidden Island: Can the navigator move another player 4 tiles for 2 actions / 6 for 3?

The navigator's action is moving another player 2 tiles for 1 action - it does not specify once per turn. Does this mean he could move another player 3 or 4 tiles for 2 action points, or is there a ...
Octavian's user avatar
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4 votes
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How does Diver movement work in forbidden island?

I played my first few games of Forbidden Island last night, and one of the roles we played was the Diver. We weren't 100% sure of the meaning of his special ability, so I wanted to ask if anyone had ...
Patters's user avatar
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12 votes
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Differences between Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert?

I own and play both Pandemic and Forbidden Island. In practice, I play Pandemic more...but like Forbidden Island too, when I think the former won't be quite accessible enough for someone. I've now ...
Jeff Fry's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How well do Forbidden Desert and Forbidden Island play with two players?

I introduced a colleague to Pandemic. He liked it and asked if I could recommend a similar game that: Plays well with two people, and Will be a bit more approachable for his partner, who's new to ...
Jeff Fry's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can you use sandbags as your discard when you have more than 5 cards?

I have 4 cards, take my turn, then draw two cards with one of them being sandbags. I must now discard a card to be at 5. Can I use the sandbag card instead of discarding even though I have 6 cards in ...
riv_rec's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is the Diver able to turn when swimming across a flooded or abyss tile?

In the instructions it says the Diver can swim "across" a flooded or abyss tile for one action. Does this means he can make a turn and go to the tile diagonal from his location?
riv_rec's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How likely are you to lose because Fool's Landing sinks into the abyss?

Since I like probability questions, and tttpp brought it up, I figured it might be interesting to calculate how likely you are to lose on the first turn in Forbidden Island, because Fool's Landing ...
user1873's user avatar
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23 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to lose Forbidden Island on the first turn?

My first time playing this game last night. My friend that was teaching me had only played a couple times. Despite a quick rules reading we wanted to verify this sequence that happened to us. After ...
Pat Ludwig's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Stranded on a tile in Forbidden Island

In Forbidden Island, if a player (not pilot or diver) is stranded on a tile with all surrounding tiles sunk, is the game lost or can he be rescued? Can he give away his treasure to a pilot or diver ...
Kevin Gregory's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How do you handle drawing more flood cards than there are tiles on the board in Forbidden Island?

Pretty much what it says on the tin--when you're drawing, say, 5 flood cards and there are 4 tiles left in the game, are you supposed to keep shuffling and re-drawing one of those 4, thus ...
RSid's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

In Forbidden Island, can a Navigator move an Explorer diagonally?

My wife and I played a game of Forbidden Island last night. She got the Navigator adventurer, and I was the Explorer. The Navigator's special ability is that it can move any other player up to 2 ...
Nick Shaw's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How can I beat Forbidden Island at Elite or Legendary difficulty with two players?

The title says it all -- maybe it's just me, but the difficulty from going to Normal to Elite difficulty is more than a little challenging. I've played with a combination of player combinations, but ...
LittleBobbyTables - Au Revoir's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Does Forbidden Island usually need any rule variants for playing with 5+ people?

I don't see any reason why Forbidden Island wouldn't be able to handle 5 or maybe even 6 players with some simple variants. Does anyone have any experience with different player numbers with some ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

Pandemic and Forbidden Island - How similar are they?

We have Pandemic at home. When browsing for some new games I stumbled over Forbidden Island made by the same designer. I thought it could be interesting to have another cooperative game but when I ...
Kempeth's user avatar
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