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Questions tagged [hand-and-foot]

Hand and Foot is a predominately a North American standard deck playing card game with many variations. It is a set building game, normally played with four people in two teams. It typically uses four or five regular poker decks including the jokers. Each player starts with two piles of eleven cards. One pile is their hand, the other, their foot. Once a player has played all the cards in their hand they will pick up their foot.

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2 votes
1 answer

In Hand & Foot, how many points is needed to make an open?

The first player on a team to initially play (open) must play a minimum number of points to open. I know that in Canasta, in order to open the levels are: 50 points for scores up to 1495 90 points ...
Norma Toennis Mushen's user avatar
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2 answers

Hand and Foot Rules on playing all cards without going out

In hand and Foot can a player lay down all cards in their foot, discard the final card and NOT have the required books to go out but continue to draw two cards each turn and discard one until they ...
Donna S. Golson's user avatar
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Final Rules for Hand and Foot

When counting the red 3's left in a persons foot can he deduct the value of the red 3's from his black books?
Nancy's user avatar
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alternatives for odd # of players in hand and foot canasta

Can we have a dummy score for a fourth player instead of having to play on our own? It is hard when there are 11 players.
user24123's user avatar
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Can you add a wild card to a completed book?

In Hand and Foot, after completing a melded book, can you add a wild card to it? For example, once you have completed a book, but have a wild card left in your hand, can you add the wild card to a ...
Babs's user avatar
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Can books be counted as books even if some points were used to cover points left in the hand and foot?

Say that partners meld and made one clean book (A's-140 points and one dirty book of 8's-80 points=220). The other team went out. The partners had cards remaining from their hand plus those in their ...
Carol's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the advantage to starting your meld and laying it down when it isn't complete? Why not just wait until you have all seven?

What is the advantage to starting your meld and laying it down when it isn't complete? Why not just wait until you have all seven?
user13427's user avatar
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Multiple melds for the same card

Can you put down 2 melds of the same card? For instance, a friend accidentally started 2 piles of 5's. Should they have been combined?
Cindy's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Official Rules for Hand and Foot?

Some friends of ours taught us "Hand and Foot" but I have never seen any official rules for it. What I have seen varies from site to site quite a bit. I am curious if someone could tell me the history ...
Jim McKeeth's user avatar
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4 answers

Does a book of 3's in Hand and Foot work?

My wife and I play Hand and Foot from time to time. We have toyed with the idea of allowing a book of 3's to count positive, with the caveat that they are only positive if the book is closed and clean....
Jim McKeeth's user avatar
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