Questions tagged [mahjong]

A Chinese rummy-like game played with tiles. Depending on the version being played the tiles consist of suits (Bamboo, Crack, and Dots) of 10 tiles each, Winds (North, South, East, and West), Dragons (Red, White, and Green), Flowers, and possibly Jokers.

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Why can't I win due to "missing multiplier"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why couldn't this hand win with ron? Occasionally, I try to Ron, but get prompted that I cannot due to a "missing multiplier". What does this mean, and how can I avoid it? ...
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In Mahjong , what is the chance to get a hand that allows a player to finish on their first turn?

Made hands are very rare in mahjong. Is there a table that lists the possibilities of starting with a complete hand?
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