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Questions tagged [race-for-the-galaxy]

Race for the Galaxy is an entirely card-based game of empire building and struggle. Players settle and conquer worlds, construct economic and military developments, and produce and consume goods to power their empire.

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1 answer

Consume power usage clarification

The rulebook says in the "Consume" section: Each consume power can be used only once in a consume phase. Some powers allow multiple goods, “up to” some number, to be discarded, with each good ...
Andrew Savinykh's user avatar
7 votes
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Are these "temporary defense gained by discarding cards" markers?

I just got the Race for the Galaxy: The Brink of War expansion, which I haven't played yet. It comes with some additional Takeover markers. These two markers look like "temporary defense gained by ...
splattered bits's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How does the Prestige Leader mechanic work?

I just got the Race for the Galaxy: The Brink of War expansion and it adds Prestige mechanics to the game. Those I understand. The Prestige Leader mechanic, however, I don't understand and the ...
splattered bits's user avatar
1 vote
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When using prestige bonus during two player, can I choose Consume VPx2 as my second action?

When playing 2 player (or solitaire) and playing the prestige bonus card, can you choose the second action to be the Consume, VPx2, scoring VPx5 (x3 from the prestige bonus, x2 from the Consume stage)?...
Spig's user avatar
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Do I get cards from Rebel Cantina even if another player played Produce?

The card Rebel Cantina gives you cards during the Produce phase for every rebel world in your tableau. But what if another player plays the Produce? Does it still count?
Axonn's user avatar
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Are there simplified rules for Race for the Galaxy?

I'd like to teach my 10-year-old son to play Race for the Galaxy. I'd also like it to be easier to teach new players. Are there any simplified/beginner rules for Race for the Galaxy?
splattered bits's user avatar
2 votes
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Does military power accumulate in Race for the Galaxy

I have one card placed down with a plus one to my military on phase three. I have already placed down a card in a previous settle phase that cost one military. If another settle phase comes along ...
DWB's user avatar
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1 answer

How to effectively handicap a good player?

Is there a effective way to apply a handicap to a good player in Race for the Galaxy (especially in a 2-player game)? I would consider a good handicap as one that is not omnipresent (for example, a ...
Scribblemacher's user avatar
3 votes
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Can the robot play other expansions?

Can the robot used to play the single player variant added by The Gather Storm expansion be used to played with other expansions (or the base game without the addition of the Gather Storm cards), or ...
Scribblemacher's user avatar
5 votes
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Pilgrimage World with Consume 2x action--how many points?

When consuming 4 goods on the Pilgrimage World using the 2x VP consume action, what is the total number of points that should be received: 6 or 7? The Card: "Discard all remaining goods to gain ...
Scribblemacher's user avatar
3 votes
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Can the robot play duplicate developments in solo-play?

The base set rules state a player may have only one of any given development in their tableau yet the solo rules don't say anything about what happens when the robot attempts to play a development it ...
Spig's user avatar
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Does the robot's 6-cost development counters count towards Galactic Federation?

During solo-play, if the robot successfully places Galactic Federation, do each of the 6-cost counters earned by the robot also earn the additional 2 VPs from Galactic Federation? This is from the ...
Spig's user avatar
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What are common strategies for beating the robot in Race For The Galaxy?

I recently got the The Gathering Storm expansion to Race For The Galaxy and I've played solo against the robot about twelve times, winning only once. I consider myself a competent player (...
Spig's user avatar
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What are some options on using the blank cards in the The Gathering Storm Expansion?

I just got the Race For The Galaxy: The Gathering Storm expansion and it come with 18 blank cards. What are my options for setting up these blank cards? I'm worried I'll drastically alter the game ...
Spig's user avatar
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Does Alien Fuel Refinery count as having a trade power in Race for the Galaxy?

In Race for the Galaxy, does the Alien Fuel Refinery restriction ("you may not trade a good from this world") count as a "trade power" for the purposes of Trade League, or in other words do I score a ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
8 votes
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Is it ever a good strategy to discard cards in Race for the Galaxy?

Imagine a a tabuleau which contains both Contact Specialist and Drop Ships, and my hand contains Reptilian Uplift Race and at least one other card, or more generally any other setup which contains ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
7 votes
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Can you re-use millitary power to conquer two worlds on the same turn (with Improved Logistics)

Does Improved Logistics allow you to re-use your military power to settle two new worlds in the same turn?
dspyz's user avatar
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11 votes
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Does the starting world dictate your strategy in Race for the Galaxy?

Our board games club recently purchased Race for the Galaxy and we've played around a dozen games so far, plus some research using Keldon's AI (which is excellent). In the base set with one world, ...
JonathanJ's user avatar
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What Happens During the Consume Phase In Race for the Galaxy If you have no consume powers?

In the basic game of Race for the Galaxy (no expansions), what happens during the consume phase if none of your cards give you any consume powers? Do those goods get consumed anyway without giving you ...
Levi Hackwith's user avatar
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What is the best starting planet in Race for the Galaxy (base set)

I've seen stats on BGG which include expansion sets but couldn't find stats on just the base set. I would like to know which starting planet has the highest probability of winning, which has the ...
Joe Golton's user avatar
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Do you need military power when using the Rebel Sneak Attack to settle an additional military world?

The card Rebel Sneak Attack, among its other powers, grants the ability to discard itself from the tableau to allow you to place an additional military world. Do you need to have sufficient military ...
PotatoEngineer's user avatar
10 votes
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When drawing cards for each produced good, does it include goods produced on windfall worlds?

My friends and I have had disagreements about how one particular kind of production power works in Race for the Galaxy: powers that involve drawing cards for each good produced, e.g. Diversified ...
quinestor's user avatar
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In Race for the Galaxy on 6-cost development cards, does a player receive VPs for all of the categories they have satisfied, or just one?

My family and I are confused about the wording in the instructions. Perhaps my question is best asked with an example: I have the Alien Tech Institute card, which has three parts: 3 VPs for each ...
nrobey's user avatar
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Is Consume-Trade on Alpha Centauri always a good start?

I've found that when I start with the windfall world Alpha Centauri, I always open Consume-Trade. If my hand is good, I probably want cards to pay for settling and development. If not, I need more ...
Anna's user avatar
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4 answers

How to mitigate the intial luck factor in Race For The Galaxy?

Background (feel free to skip): My mom and I often play RFTG together (I am a very fortunate child to have a game-playing parent :), and we've noticed that there usually isn't as much luck in the ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
8 votes
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Tournament rules for RftG, how to ensure fair play?

I am going to run a Race for the Galaxy tournament at WBC this year. You should all come and play! I received a message that last year, one of the competitors suspected another player was underpaying ...
rrenaud's user avatar
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When should I choose an Explore card in Race For The Galaxy?

On a VERY basic level, my RFTG choices work like this: Pick Develop if you want to build a development Pick Settle if you want to settle a world Pick Trade if you want to trade Pick ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
7 votes
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Are unused Start Worlds shuffled into the card supply?

When you begin play and randomly hand out the start worlds, do you shuffle the remaining start worlds into the deck?
user2692's user avatar
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Do Race for the Galaxy expansions allow more players without changing the base game's rules?

I just acquired the game Race for the Galaxy, and I plan to play it at work. It would be nice to play with up to 5 or 6 players, though, and the base game supports only 4. I see that two expansions ...
Matt Dillard's user avatar
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Good produce/consume strategy in RftG

I've been playing Race for the Galaxy with a friend of mine for quite a while, and I've noticed the game seems to be going more and more in favor of a blitzkrieg strategy of conquering as many planets ...
horatius83's user avatar
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Race for the Galaxy vs. San Juan and Puerto Rico

I've seen these games compared very often, with steadfast advocates on each side (that thread has a lot of interesting stuff as well). I'm mainly concerned with: depth of strategy suitability for new ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
4 votes
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Consume>Trade in RftG Base game

In the base game of RftG, if you chose Consume>Trade as the action, do you have to trade on a card that has a $ ability? If it is a +3 and do you get +3 cards in addition to the normal trade value?
Tuxhedoh's user avatar
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How do the expansions for Race for the Galaxy alter the game - are they worth buying?

Can someone give a good summary of each expansion for Race for the Galaxy, and explain how it changes the game? Is it worth it to buy the expansions straight out? Or is it fine to stick with the base ...
jebyrnes's user avatar
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Winning Race for the Galaxy Without 6-cost Developments?

My brother-in-law bought me Race For The Galaxy for Christmas so I've been playing a few games recently. Obviously we are nowhere near mastering it; but what I've been seeing in all of our scorelines ...
thesunneversets's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Interaction in Race For The Galaxy

In Race For The Galaxy, I'm usually focused on my own cards, and only find out who wins during the scoring at the end of the game. Is this a feature of the game — that is, is it low on interaction? ...
Michiel de Mare's user avatar