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Questions tagged [rummikub]

Game based on the traditional Middle-Eastern game of Okey. You try to get rid of all your tiles by forming numbers into runs of 3 or more, or groups of 3-4 of a kind. Played tiles become communal and can be rearranged and added to by any player. (2-4 players, 30 minutes)

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11 votes
3 answers

My game of Rummikub came with a die. Why could that be?

My newly bought, first-hand game of Rummikub (from Philos) came with a die. However, the game doesn't seem to use a die. Is there any variant that uses a die, if so, what for?
gerrit's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Do you have to play a (replaced) joker immediately with 2 tiles from your hand?

I don't have the paper rules here as a reference, but I grew up playing Rummikub with the rule that, if you replaced a joker on the table you must immediately replay the joker in a run or set with at ...
Gregor Thomas's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Getting Joker from the existing groups in Rummikub

I have a group of tiles made up of 3 fours and a joker: 4 4 4 Joker Now, if a player removes the joker, do they have to replace it with another 4?
Trevor Cook's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

What can I do with the Joker if I remove every tile from its meld? (Can I even do that?)

I'm aware that one cannot move a Joker tile out of a meld except by replacing the Joker with the number it represents. However, I'm confused about one situation which I haven't found rules to clarify: ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Does the 30-point rule apply to every non-manipulating move, or only to the initial move?

In rummikub, how exactly does the 30-point rule work? Is it: The very first move of each player must be independent of existing stones and with a value of at least 30. There is no 30-point rule in ...
gerrit's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Does a Joker have the value of the number it represents when played as part of the initial minimum 30 point row?

I played Rummikub yesterday and you know: To start a game, one has to lay down a minimum of 30 Points with new rows created. However, yesterday, my mom laid out following: [11] [11] [JO] In my ...
Noah Krasser's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

After the initial meld, can I do multiple moves in the same turn?

I have to code a program that suggests what to do depending on the situation of a Rummikub game. More about Rummikub: In Wikipedia's explanation, I quote: ...
Saturn's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Two jokers in the same meld

At the end of the game, I replaced a joker with a tile, then used that joker with another joker and a 10 tile to make a run of 10,11,12 to win. Is this a legitimate play?
Richard Bogan Morgan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Can the initial Rummikub meld build on other player's tiles?

When playing the initial 30 points, can I use a tile from an existing meld on the board to complete my meld without using the points from that tile? For instance, I have a red 9, 11, and 12 in my rack,...
Diane Kee's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can a joker be played on its own?

I was down to a single tile, a joker, and I wanted to place it next to any set already on the table. However, my opponent said a wild tile must always be played with two other tiles from your hand. ...
Pat's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can a Rummikub tile be moved

After a tile is placed but before a player indicates the turn is over by saying "Done", may he move a tile from his rack to a different position on the table after he has initially placed it? May he ...
Mark Jacobs's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Rummikub clear two Jokers rule

On the board: Black 1 Black 2 Joker (Black 3) Black 4 Joker (Black 5) On my rack: Black 3 Black 5 Yellow 2 The play I want to make: Swap out my Black 3 and Black 5 for the two Jokers & use ...
Mike's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Use of the joker from your hand

You have a joker in your hand, can you play it by adding to an existing run or set? Or do you have to play it with at least 2 additional tiles from your hand?
Don's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Rummikub - Picking up a played tile before your turn is over

I was playing 3-way Rummikub for the first time in a few years with friends. During player 1's turn late in the game, he mixed tiles back and forth trying to play as many as he could. During this same ...
Thomination's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Rummikub buying two jokers

Can I buy Two joker's and use them with two cubes from my hand? For example. 3 j j 6. Or is it necessary to have two cubes for each joker?
Rich's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Going out by adding a tile and a joker to a run in Rummikub [duplicate]

I have seen many posts about using a joker from a player's rack or replacing a joker on the table. My question relates to using a joker at the end of a game to declare Rummikub. Here's the scenario: ...
Keefb's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Rummikub - Maximum number of tiles in hand

When playing Rummikub, is there a maximum number of tiles that can be held in hand? Something that I have noticed is while playing online, players just keep picking up tiles until all the tiles are ...
Lawrence Cooke's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Rules when using a Joker

I had on my rack among other tiles, a black 9, 1 x blue 10, and a black 12. On the table was a set of 3 x 10s including a Joker(no blue 10), and other sets of tiles including an available black 11. ...
David Young's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Ending up with loose tiles (from existing melds) after rearranging the melds in Rummikub

Suppose there are 3 seperate melds on the table. Blue 6,7,8, Red 5,6,7, Orange 4,5,6. I made my initial meld and I'm holding tiles in my hand that would allow me to form new melds of 4,4,4, 5,5,5, 6,6,...
Cathy McGhee's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

In Rummikub, does a joker count towards the 30 points contract?

If you have a joker in your initial hand of 14 tiles, can it be played in a meld adding its value in order to pass the 30 points contract? I.e. does a joker have the value of the number it replaces?
Jan Mason's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

In Rummikub, Is it possible to change the location of a joker inside a meld?

In Rummikub, assume there is a Run of Joker, R4, R5 on the board. Is it possible to move the joker to the other end of the run and to add a R7? So the new Run is R4, R5, Joker, R7.
Grancie's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Initial move in Rummikub

In an initial move in Rummikub, can I go out by: making an inital meld with 30 or more points (made up of my own tiles), then continue (my first turn) by manipulating and adding tiles to the existing ...
user34899's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How many jokers can you use in a run or set in Rummikub?

Can I use two jokers in the same run or set or are you only allowed to use one joker per set or run?
user32853's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Rummikub joker clarification [duplicate]

I have laid my initial meld. On my next turn , I notice a joker in play that I can replace with a tile I have to form a run with 2 tiles that I am holding. I am unable to lay anything without the ...
Andy Crosby Caseyjones125's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What are the chances of going out first go in Rummikub?

One day I had picked up twice before getting the 30 face value tiles in sets needed to first go down. Then I put them down and proceeded to put down all my remaining tiles. What were the chances of ...
JLC's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

When a player gets Rummikub & the round is over, how is play continued?

Do they take a number of tiles, one tile, or is the player who got Rummikub now out of the game? (...What if there are only 2 players?) Thanks!
Lisa Deleo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Rummikub: Initial meld with a joker

The following tiles are on the table (these were the initial meld from another player): 10 BLUE, 11 BLUE, 12 BLUE And I, having not yet made an initial meld, have the following tiles on my board: 7 ...
staterium's user avatar
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1 answer

Do we continue to draw additional tiles after the initial meld?

The rules in my Rummikub set state that if you cannot play the initial 'meld' of 30 points then you take an extra tile on your turn. Once the initial meld is over, do you still draw an extra tile if ...
EleventhDoctor's user avatar
1 vote
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Rummikub Joker After Replacement

Tournament rules state that if a joker is in a meld one can not take from that meld. The joker can only be replaced with the tile the joker represented and used to make a meld with 2 tiles from your ...
JukEboX's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Rummikub Joker Rule Question

Can you use a rummikub joker tile in an existing run? Or must a joker always be replaced in order to use it?
Karen Barbetta Hart's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Going out in Rummikub using a joker from my rack

Other posts on the rules for using the a joker don't cover the following scenario: It's near the end of a game. I have only one tile left in my rack. It's my turn & I cannot go out, so I draw a ...
Keefb's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Can you replace a Joker with a bonus joker?

If I have 3,4,J, can I replace the Joker with a Double Joker? If I have 3red, 3blue, Double Joker, can I replace it with a regular joker? I understand the rules to say: you cannot replace a Joker ...
Mary P's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Rummikub Joker Question

So let’s say I have a blue 11, joker and blue 13. Can I use that set of 3, tag it to the end of a blue 10, 9 & 8 thats already on the table and use the blue 13 to a different set? So I’m not ...
Keri Davis's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using a joker when you can't make any other moves

Consider the following scenario: 1) There are no more tiles to be taken. 2) I have 9 tiles (none that form a run or set) ...except I have a joker and 2 tiles in hand, which would make a run. Do ...
Reb's user avatar
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1 answer

Group of three tiles containing 2 Jokers

Assume, that there is such situation: Player A creates a group: [blue 8] [Joker] [Joker] and declares, that it is a set of eights. From this moment these Jokers should be treated as two eights, ...
Jaroslaw Matlak's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Rummikub, replacing a joker [duplicate]

When replacing a joker from the board the rules state I must replace the joker gained from the board with 2 tiles from my hand. A joker that has been replaced must be used in the player's same turn ...
Dennis McWherter's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

playing off previous runs?

For Rummycube, after the 30 point meld can you build vertically off a run? To illustrate, is this possible? 6 7 8 9 8 8 In addition if you had a gold, blue and a red 1, can you add to the ...
Lyn's user avatar
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1 answer

Can joker be played with no other tiles?

When playing Rummikub, if you have joker tile, no other tiles to play with it and nobody has gone out can you use it any where on the board?
Ian Kerwin's user avatar
0 votes
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In Rummikub, can you split a run on the end or it must be within the ends? ex- 34567 turned into 234...&...567

To me, it sounds as if the added tile must split the existing run (ex- 34567 to 345 567), not that a tile can be added to the start or end of a run & then split it apart.
Lisa Deleo's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Some Rummikub rules say melds with jokers can be split, but can the joker be split off?

I'm not "picking up" or replacing the joker. I'm using it as its assigned value, and not claiming it as a wild card. So if there's a sequence on the board of 567J And I have two eights, so I ...
Oscar's user avatar
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1 answer

Rummikub - Replacing Jokers

3 of us were playing with older Rummikub rules where if you want to use a Joker that is on the board, you must replace it with a tile from your rack of the same color and value. One player made this ...
Alex's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Pressman Rummikub joker rule

From the Pressman Rummikub rules: "When a player retrieves a joker, the joker will once again have any value or color. However, a player who retrieves a joker must play the joker on his/her current ...
metrprof's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Splitting up a run containing a joker [closed]

If I have a run of 7, 8, 9, 10, J, 11, can I move the 7, 8 and 9 to begin another run, leaving the 10, joker, and 11 in a run of 3 or more?
Marylou's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Adding 2 melds of 3 to take joker

Can I merge 2 melds of 3 together and take the joker?
Linda Greene's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

replacing a Joker in Rummikub [duplicate]

Lets say there's a set: 2,3,4, joker. Can I take the joker to make a new set like 7,7,7 without replacing the joker with a 5 since there will still be 3 tiles in the first set?
Alan Brooks's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Using a Joker with two tiles from my rack and one from the board

I don't quite know the lingo, so apologies for that: The Joker was on the board in place of a black 2 - I replaced it with a black 2, and I know that I have to use it with 2 tiles from my hand to ...
Danni's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Can you add a fifth number to a rummikub set of four?

For instance, if there are four 8s on the table, can I add another 8 to it?
Rob's user avatar
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