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Questions tagged [scoring]

The process of keeping track of the number of points earned by each player in a game, as a means of "ranking" players. See also the [counting] tag, for keeping track of the score, particularly in Go.

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1 answer

Why did we get a higher score for making a lower (doubled) contract?

This could apply to doubled contracts generally, but here is an example of what I mean. At the top two tables on a particular board, the two pairs (mine and another) made the same number of tricks in ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Knock when opponent has 0 deadwood [duplicate]

What happens if player A knocks and player B has gin but hadn’t realized? Do they get the points plus the bonus gin points?
Woodie's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What is the advantage of bidding to game in Rubber Bridge?

Suppose North-South ("N-S") has a combined hand that can make a contract of 4 Hearts. If they win 10 tricks and make 4 Hearts, then they get 120 points whether they bid 4 Hearts and made ...
kwantum's user avatar
  • 23
3 votes
2 answers

Go ending. Why do players stop? [duplicate]

I'm learning the game GO. I see that after the players have made a lot of moves, at the end of the game, there are several visible territories for black and for white. But I don't understand, why does ...
Carlos Pinzón's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Should black pass in this situation?

Suppose a game of go ends up in the follow position, with black to play. (Assume everything is settled apart from the situation in the centre of the board.) As black it seems like there's no ...
N. Virgo's user avatar
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0 answers

Scoring bridges in Tri-Ominos

Can I score for forming two bridges with placement of 1 Tri-Omino? I got the top of the bridge in one and a side in the other.
Gemma  Louise's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Alternate spellings in Scrabble

A question about alternate spellings of accepted Scrabble words: For example, "aby" (to endure or abide) can also be spelled "abye." Supposing I place the tiles for "aby" ...
Douglas Kellar's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Go end game scoring question

I'm trying to learn Go and I'm very confused by how end of game scoring works. I've played a game against an AI player, and I don't understand the scoring that the computer came up with once the game ...
oneself's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How does a double tile in muggins count?

In a game of muggins, do you count a double 5 as 10 or just 5? Since some people have been saying that a double 5 you only count one side. From my knowledge you count both sides of the domino; for ...
Viper's user avatar
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1 answer

How is the "base" score calculated, for the online game?

In the online Ticket to Ride game, after the last cards are played, a "base" score is shown for each player. How is this score calculated?
K G's user avatar
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1 answer

Cribbage- 3of a kind lands on 31- how many points?

When playing, player played a 3rd card for 6 points but also landed on 31. How many points would they get? 6? 7? 8?
Margaret Diman's user avatar
1 vote
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How to achieve two bonus points for tile placement in Garum

In Garum, each brine tank (cetarium) is divided into four spaces, one of which is a 'joker' space (probably better translated as 'wild' but the English rules I have says 'joker'). If you cover the ...
Kirt's user avatar
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1 answer

Multiple Yahtzee bonus checkmark rules: additional turn or fill blank box?

Yahtzee cards have rules for multiple 5 of a kind Yahtzees: ✔️ FOR EACH BONUS SCORE 100 PER ✔️ Imagine I've already rolled and marked 50 for my first Yahtzee. On my next turn I roll another Yahtzee. ...
pkamb's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

In Scrabble, does a blank tile on the double/triple word square count?

If the blank tile is on a triple word tile while you are making a word, does it still count as a triple word?
Nicky's user avatar
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In Rummikub, does a joker count towards the 30 points contract?

If you have a joker in your initial hand of 14 tiles, can it be played in a meld adding its value in order to pass the 30 points contract? I.e. does a joker have the value of the number it replaces?
Jan Mason's user avatar
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1 answer

What does "Point Value of Bid" mean in the card game Boston?

This description of the card game Boston has this list of the bids: What does the "Point Value of Bid" column indicate? There is another table later that shows how many chips the bidder ...
davidvgalbraith's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Scoring systems for a tournament with variable player numbers [closed]

I'm running a tournament where I need to score games with anything from 3 to 8 players. My initial plan was to always have 8 players, and award 10 for 1st, 8 for 2nd, then 6/5/4/3/2/1. However, I need ...
xorsyst's user avatar
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2 answers

Alive strings inside a string?

$$ ------------------ $$ | O . O X . . . . $$ | . O O X . . . . $$ | O O O X . . . . $$ | X X X X . . . . $$ | . . . X . . . . $$ | . . . X . . . . $$ | X X X X . . . . $$ | . . . . . . . . How is ...
Quantalabs's user avatar
6 votes
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Carcassonne: how to score city points when tied

The question is explicitly about a situation when two or more players have the same number of knights in a closed city. The instructions say: "In case of a tie, the tied players each score the ...
elon's user avatar
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How to score the play of this Cribbage round?

Two players kept the same hands: 2 threes, 1 four, 1 five. The play went as follows (count is in brackets, scoring was quickly beyond us) Player 1 led with a 3 [= 3] Player 2 followed ...
Kyle's user avatar
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2 answers

How to score 4 of a kind in cribbage after a go

In Cribbage, we had a go after 3 Aces were played, but then the 4th Ace was played. Does the player receive 12 points for the 4 of a kind or do they receive 6 points for the 3 of a kind before the go ...
Bill's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Scoring first word with all 7 letters

What scoring conditions apply if all 7 letters are used for the first word in Scrabble? Does the player get double points for the word AND 50 points for using all their tiles?
KeBa's user avatar
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How many points are Jacks and Queens worth?

When playing the game of Cambio I have played it where Jacks and Queens are both 10 points at the end of the game. Is this correct or are Jacks worth 11 and Queens worth 12?
Noah D.'s user avatar
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How can I rate player skills in a social deduction game?

I want to create a scoring system for my boardgame group that often plays the resistance (currently online over video call because its 2020). In my short research I found that Elo score works for two ...
Vrankela's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Scrabble - Parallel Words joined at one letter [duplicate]

Parallel words joined at a single letter forming a second word. I cannot seem to find a clear answer to this scrabble question. Say player one plays, "scrabble" as their first word. Is it ...
Tim's user avatar
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6 votes
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Does the Cosumi Go site sometimes get the score wrong?

Cosumi claims that I won this game by 37 points: — [9×9, Level 0] Black(You) Wins by 37 Points - Go Browser Game COSUMI But it looks even to me. Am I missing something, or does the site sometimes get ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does my Scrabble play have to be all adjacent tiles?

Do all tiles played in one move need to be adjacent to each other? Example - there is a Y on the board, can a player place the letter E on both sides to make the word EYE ?
Chris Hanks's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Help me score my cribbage hand [duplicate]

In Cribbage, my hand was 2,2,2,5 and the cut card was a 3. I wanted to use the cut card with each of my twos for a count of five and subsequently one 15 for two points. I thought the hand should have ...
suzanne bernard's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to score for claiming routes in Ticket to Ride: Europe

Apologies if this is answered somewhere. I haven’t found it. I have a couple of questions as a new player to Ticket to Ride Europe. How many points do you score if the route you claim does not ...
Les's user avatar
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3 answers

Will any route (built without a destination ticket) be counted as points?

Will any routes, built without a destination ticket, be counted as points? In other words, can you get any points if your built any segments without the appropriate destination ticket? Can you ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 answer

Scrabble premium word score question [duplicate]

In the following scenario, does a double word premium apply to both words made on the same turn? Player 1 plays the word "book". Player 2 plays the word "shot", placing the "s" on a double word score ...
user30891's user avatar
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Is there a canonical way of placing the scoring meeple to signify having gone round the scoring track?

Newer versions of Carcassonne (or perhaps it's one of the expansions) contain scoring tiles, to track how many times a player's score-keeping meeple has gone round the scoring track, so that 50 or 100 ...
SQB's user avatar
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Is there a long-term scoring system for 4 or 5 players who have played the same game repeatedly?

We are a group of 4, sometimes 5 players who have played Power Grid every week for nearly 2 years. For every game we have played, I have kept track of game dates and rankings (1st place, 2nd,..., 5th)....
Robert Miller's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can dummy claim points for honors in contract bridge?

North won the bid at 4 hearts. When South laid down his dummy hand, South had 4 of the top 5 hearts. Is the North-South team eligible to declare 100 honors even though North won the bid and South ...
Marcia M.'s user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is scored for bidding and making 3 Clubs Doubled?

Bidder bids 3 Clubs. Opponent doubles. No other bids. Bidder makes 3 Clubs. What is the Score the Bidder gets?
Karen Sloan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do you score an all wild card Canasta?

Today I made my first ALL Wild card Canasta with six 2's and a Joker in Classic Canasta :O) How much is this worth please? Also, it was concealed... does that 'Up' the bonus?
Lorna Millaarr's user avatar
1 vote
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Scrabble vs. Unspeakable Words

What are the differences between the letter distribution and the letter scoring on Scrabble and Unspeakable Words? Are there any other differences? Are these games similar in some ways? Next ...
Scratch---Cat's user avatar
11 votes
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What is the highest achievable score in Catan

The game ends as soon as you get 10 or more points, so even if you can build multiple things, the one that gets you to 10 is it. I'm fairly certain that the highest score possible in Catan is 12 ...
aslum's user avatar
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Two-handed cribbage

This evening, after contributing to the crib, I held three 5s and the Jack of the 5 that was turned by my opponent. So, what did my hand score, with the four fives and the Jack of the knobs, after ...
Don Evanson's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Scoring when two triple word squares are covered in one play

The word QUAGMIRE is on the board vertically, with the Q on the top row, second column. The next player creates SQUEEZED horizontally, landing the S on the triple word square in the top row, first ...
Stephen Hoste's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to score the Southampton to New York route in Ticket to Ride UK?

In Ticket to Ride UK, when the Southampton to New York route is claimed, does the claimant receive the points for laying down train cars in addition to the 40 points stated on the board? If so, how ...
William Covello's user avatar
2 votes
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How does a renege that is discovered later in a bridge game affect the scoring?

In a recent bridge game, the contract was 2C doubled. The contracting team discovered, at a point in the game after a trick had been played that the opposing team had reneged. They assert that there ...
Dodie's user avatar
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Churchill Solitaire scoring

In theory, one scores 5 points for each card moved from the "devil's 6" and 1 point for each of the other cards. So a win should score 98 + 30 = 128 (ignoring any bonus for winning in a short time). ...
Bill Tedford's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do you count runs in cribbage during play

10-10-4 opponent started hand and can't play, I play 3-2-1 . How many points do I get for the run? 4 or 7 ?
Jeanne Miller's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Bridge Scoring: Teams of 8

The English Bridge Union (EBU) Recommends using a modified IMP scale for scoring teams of 8 matches. It is obtained by multiplying the standard IMP scale by √2. I'm looking for an explanation for ...
Bysshed's user avatar
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Go - How does one count territory in these scenarios?

I'm learning to play Go (Japanese rule) however I'm still confuse how to count territory in some cases. Which side each territory belongs to? Scenario 1 $$W Scenario1 $$ -------------------- $$ | . ....
D Major's user avatar
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Bridge Scoring Question

Rubber Bridge: Declarer is vulnerable. The bid is 3 clubs. Declarer only makes 5 tricks for down 4. What is the penalty?
Sarah C.'s user avatar
4 votes
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Scoring Attractions in Ticket to Ride: New York

I recently bought the new version of Ticket to Ride New York. One thing that is slightly unclear is the scoring rules on routes between two tourist attractions. (Sorry if that is incorrect, but I don'...
Andreas's user avatar
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In Gin-Rummy, what is the bonus points for Gin and Undercut?

In the traditional rules of Gin-Rummy: Is going Gin worth 20 or 25 points? Is undercutting worth 10 points? If a player knocks and is undercut by their opponent and this opponent lays off and has no ...
Andy Pandy 91's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How would this seki be scored at the end of the game?

I'm a Go beginner with a VERY little bit of experience (three or four actual games under my belt), and I'm looking through the life and death problems at Sensei's Library trying to get a better ...
rmunn's user avatar
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