Questions tagged [skill]

Skill is the part of the game that derives from players' playing abilities, as opposed to chance factors represented by coin flips, dice, etc.

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Best players' typical Hanabi scores

According to Wikipedia, the best computer programs consistently achieve perfect scores in five-player vanilla Hanabi, averaging almost 25 points per game when each player uses the same algorithm. But ...
Frank Seidl's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Memorizing the cards dealt in the game

So I've recently found this game 'Gin Rummy' on Playstore and it keeps me interesting. Its similiar to Rummy and its got this feature called 'knocking' and that is quite a different take from the ...
Vishnu Ajit's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is there a quantification of how much skill a game requires? [duplicate]

For example, if you play a round of cribbage mathematically perfectly, someone will win because they got better cards on average. But if that difference in scores comes down to 10 points, that could ...
Azor Ahai -him-'s user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How can I rate player skills in a social deduction game?

I want to create a scoring system for my boardgame group that often plays the resistance (currently online over video call because its 2020). In my short research I found that Elo score works for two ...
Vrankela's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is there skill in rolling a spinner?

Several board games, particularly those made for young children, use a spinner instead of a die to control movement. A spinner is harder to lose, less likely to choke a younger sibling, and easier to ...
Damian Yerrick's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

roulette (changed rules) skill or luck? [closed]

how would You call the following game, a skill game or a game of luck? lets take a roulette wheel and change it where there is no green zero field. and instead of 18 black and red numbers we will ...
caro's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is Fluxx a game of skill or luck?

In a recent question, a link was posted to a BGG member that attempted to objectively measure whether skill exists in the game Fluxx. This wasn't published in a peer reviewed journal, but was just a ...
user1873's user avatar
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30 votes
7 answers

How to Measure Luck vs Skill in Games?

Anyone who has played a wide variety of games knows that some games are almost purely skill (i.e. Chess, Go), while others are 100 % luck (ie. Candyland, card game of War). However, most games are in ...
Joe Golton's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Categories of Board Gaming skill [closed]

How would you categorize gaming skill, based on your own talents, or those of people you know? And what makes certain people good at those categories? For one example, I've noticed I tend to win ...
Drew Hoskins's user avatar
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48 votes
41 answers

Games that have no element of luck. [closed]

Most of my favourite games, such as Diplomacy, have little or no element of luck - either via dice rolls, hands dealt, or other methods. What other games can you recommend that rely on 'skill' alone? ...
7 votes
2 answers

In 2 player, 10 card Gin, figuring out opponents cards

What tactics can you use to help determine what your opponent is looking for in two player 10 card Gin?
Nick Larsen's user avatar