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Questions tagged [small-world]

A conquer-the-world game set in a fantasy realm. Players must take control of various different races and use their special abilities to dominate their opponents.

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2 answers

Sorcerers in Small world

If i play sorcerers can I first roll the dice (like at the final move), capture new territory and only after it change my sorcerer for another enemy unit who became a neighbor only after this final ...
Ilya Ivanov's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Seafaring and coastal deployments

Tonight we have seafaring skeletons who controlled the north sea on the 5 player board. There are 6 regions that are coastal. In normal play you can enter a new race from the coast. Does the seafarers ...
Roger Deed's user avatar
2 votes
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Smallworld: what happens when you run out of coins

Learning to play Smallworld and I have a question about coins. My understanding is: Each player gets five (5) "$1" denomination coins at the beginning of the game The remainder of all the ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
5 votes
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Smallworld Sorcerer abilities explained

Played Smallworld for the first time today. My son played as the Sorcerers and we couldn't figure out exactly how to interpret his abilities, even after reading the rules. It says that the Sorcerer's ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
1 vote
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Does the " Heroic " special power protects you against the Ice Witches special power?

I'm kind of confused because in the digital(steam) version you can place ice markers to territories protected by the hero tokens.(which should protect you from special powers)
GyikpofaMckenzie's user avatar
1 vote
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Do Spirit races persist in decline indefinitely?

In the game Small World, do races with the Spirit special power persist in decline indefinitely, or do they get bumped off the board after the player has two additional races go into decline? Here is ...
ruffdove's user avatar
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Do Troll's Lairs remain in a region when Hordes of Trolls go In Decline if the only remaing race token is a Horde?

The rules for Trolls specify: The Troll's Lair augments your region's defense by 1 (just as if you had an additional Troll token stationed there), and stays in the Region even after your Trolls go ...
Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
5 votes
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End of turn special powers

Just a bit of confusion associated with how exactly the end of the turn would be scored. Let's say hypothetically I start with ghouls+spirits and put them into decline and get wizards+forest as my ...
Alex Raytchev's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Small worlds under ground and mummies

Reading the rules for mummies: Mummies Mummies are everywhere but they tend to trip over themselves, what with all those bandages! All your conquests require 1 more Mummy token than usual I know you ...
WendyG's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Are powers cumulative in Smallworld?

when playing Smallworld, we were wondering how to handle some cumulative effects. It says in the rules that all effects are cumulative unless otherwise stated. Still, we had mounted Tritons and we ...
Giant Alchemist's user avatar
8 votes
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Smallworld: Can I conquer regions occupied by my own In Decline token?

I want to conquer a region featuring a Cavern (since I have Underworld as my special Ability). But this region is already occupied by my Amazon token, which is currently In Decline. Can I do this or ...
Shai's user avatar
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6 votes
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What's this round token depicting a knight?

I found this token while cleaning up. The size and shape looks like it's from Small World, but I looked through my game and expansions and didn't see anything missing or any descriptions of a token ...
Josh Kelley's user avatar
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Can Goblins conquer Lost Tribe regions for one less token?

The goblins race power is to conquer in-decline regions with one less token. Do Lost Tribes count as in-decline regions? Are Lost Tribes considered an in-decline race?
splattered bits's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the advantage of going last in Smallworld [closed]

What are the advantages/strategies of going last? Based off of my understanding: a) you get worse options in choosing b) last place in starting location c) on last round, others can attack you to ...
Josiah's user avatar
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How do you counter pillaging skeletons?

The Pillaging Skeletons could pick everything up, take over 4 territories, get 2 extra monsters, still get 8 gold because of pillaging, have 4 large stacks of monsters (large investment to only kill 1 ...
Jeff.Clark's user avatar
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Can Ice Witches use Winter markers on the turn they were earned?

The Ice Witches from "A Spider's Web" have the following ability: Ice Witches collect 1 Winter marker for each Magic Source they control at the end of their Redeployment phase. At the end of their ...
Samthere's user avatar
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Can I conquer anywhere if I have no pieces left on the board?

I came across the following scenario this weekend: Suppose, in a single turn, all of a player's remaining elves are wiped off the board and returned to his hand, leaving him without any elves in play....
Davy's user avatar
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When races are defeated, do the tokens all go back to the tray for redraw (if power allows)?

As an example, take the Pygmies. "Each time you lose a Pygmy token, roll a reinforcement die and receive as many new Pygmies from storage tray as you rolled pips on the die (up to the number of ...
bowlturner's user avatar
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Is there a list of races & powers that can't be used between smallworld and underground?

I was wondering if there is an official list of races and powers that can't be used between small world and small world underground? So which races/powers can't be used in Underground and which can't ...
bowlturner's user avatar
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Small world, spider's web, when lava conquers, does it give victory points at the end?

When using the Lava special power from the Spider's Web expansion, do spaces with lava count as 'occupied' to score victory points? Or do they just count as a 'defense' until your next turn?
bowlturner's user avatar
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When does the next player start their action?

I played my first game of Small World recently with a group of people who also were just playing the game for the first time, so we were unclear on some of the rules. One sticking point in particular ...
DuckTapeal's user avatar
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In small world, can builder ghouls still build castles when they are in decline?

When in decline builder ghouls keep ofcourse their castles as in dictated on the tile back, but can they still build one new castle at each end of turn?
svassr's user avatar
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Should spiderines be allowed in 'A Dig Too Far?'

I was playing the Small World Realms scenario 'A Dig Too Far' with some friends the other night. The map has 'veins of gold' that must all be dug from top to bottom, simultaneously. Strategically ...
Drewmate's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Use of race tokens when conquering new regions

When conquering a new region, do you deploy race tokens from other regions you have already conquered, or do you use your unused race tokens?
Eve's user avatar
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Are players required to make conquests on their turn?

I did not find it clear in the rules if a player is required to make conquests on his/her turn. Is it legal to turtle on your turn by not making any actions, redeploying troops and then scoring?
Coda17's user avatar
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Use of the special power "Diplomat" against another player not yet entered the game in Smallworld [duplicate]

If you're playing a race with the special power "Diplomat" during the first round, are you allowed to declare peace with a player that has not yet entered the game?
Hugo's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Why do dwarves only have a racial base of 3 tokens?

You only get three dwarves for a base, whose special ability is an extra victory token for mine tiles, and that this ability is retained when in decline. This seems like a rip off! There are other ...
dwjohnston's user avatar
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Small World, what does "permanently discard" mean?

In Small World, after conquering region for loosing player rules state: Permanently discard one Race token back into the Storage tray Now I'm not totally sure what does that mean. For most races ...
morphles's user avatar
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Small World: Why does it use 3-point coins? [closed]

What is the point of using 3-point coins in a base-ten coin game? There are 5s and 10s, and you can almost never exchange the two for any multiples of 3.
user7133's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Tactics to fight or deter Diplomatic races in 2 player games

Last night I was playing a two player game and my opponent swapped to a Diplomatic race partway through the game. they managed to surround me, effectively hemming me in and limiting my score. In the ...
Rob's user avatar
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14 votes
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When your active race has no tokens on the board, do they still have to go into decline before you choose a new race?

This is a pretty simple question, but I can't find a definitive answer for it. Let's say that my active race has only a single race token on the board. During another players turn, that last token is ...
Discord's user avatar
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When does the Gypsies racial ability come into play?

Do you collect the coins at the end of the Gypsy player's turn, or at the end of the game round?
Adam Green's user avatar
10 votes
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Can a Seafaring race attack the land from a sea or lake region?

As a seafaring race if I conquer the lake in the middle of the map, do the regions adjacent to the lake become vulnerable to my attack?
Danilo Cabello's user avatar
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In Smallworld, do Fortresses pay the +1 VC only on the turn they are placed, or do they each pay for every turn that the race is active?

The question is regarding the fortresses. If they each pay +1 VC for each turn that they are on the map and your race is active, then they become quite powerful because the VC will be building ...
D Dawes's user avatar
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What (if any) is the relationship between your Active and In Decline race?

If the special power of the active race pertains to regions occupied by the race you have in decline, are you allowed to collect coins for that? For example, you control the Iron Dwarves which are in ...
Alex King-Harris's user avatar
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Can the sorcerer's ability be used at any time during the turn?

I've always played Smallworld with the belief that the Sorcerer's swap/replace ability was only used at the end of the player's turn. But I recently played it with a different group who said the ...
E_L's user avatar
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What are the differences between Vinci and Small World?

Small World has been described as a re-implementation of Vinci, but I've heard that there are some non-trivial differences. How do these two games differ in terms of rules/mechanics and feel of play? ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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What happens when you can't conquer regions?

I came into a situation with a 2-player Small World game, where I was surrounded by an active race with the Diplomatic power, and that player had declared peace with me. I could not attack the active ...
adriaanp's user avatar
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Do any Small World expansions lengthen play time?

I have recently bought Small World and I'm loving it. I find it hovers just on the edge of what I find an acceptable play time, but I figure that once it's learned, we can speed it up a bit. I'm ...
tugs's user avatar
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Can Sorcerers convert two units from the same Tribe in one turn?

A Cunning Rules Lawyer pointed out that, while the rules for Sorcerers say: Once per turn per opponent, your Sorcerers can conquer a Region by substituting one of your opponent's Active tokens ...
deworde's user avatar
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What Happens If The Sorcerers Run Out of Tokens?

In a game of Small World we were playing recently, we were facing Seafaring Sorcerers in a 5-player game, and they managed to expand very well, to the point where they were rapidly converting over ...
deworde's user avatar
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Can the Diplomat power be used against a player without an active race?

Tonight I gained Diplomatic Sorcerers, two of the other 3 players were in decline so had no active race. A reading of the rules implied to us that the Diplomatic power could not be used against those ...
Pat Ludwig's user avatar
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Do bonus coin powers include territories controlled by races in decline?

Some of the special powers give bonus coins based on regions you "occupy at turn end." Does this include regions controlled by your previous race that has gone into decline? For example, if you have ...
Vinnie's user avatar
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In Small World, how does the Spirits' ability apply to already declined races?

I have a small question regarding the "Spirit special power" (quote from the rules: You may thus end up with two different races in decline on map at the same time and score for them both.) If I have ...
Stefan's user avatar
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16 votes
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Sorcerers versus Seafaring

We had this situation in a game of Small World tonight. Seafaring Tritons took over the lake (using two race tokens) and then removed one of them during re-deployment. There was an adjacent Sorcerer ...
Discord's user avatar
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Smallworld: scoring points during decline of second race

If I have a race in decline and choose to decline my current race, do I score both races or just the new race in decline? I am assuming that just the new race, since we (normally) cannot have two ...
foamboarder's user avatar
9 votes
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Smallworld: Can the sorcerer's ability be used on a lost tribe token?

From the rulebook: "Sorcerers can conquer a Region by substituting one of your opponent's Active tokens with one of your own taken from the storage tray". In this case, is the lost tribe token ...
foamboarder's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it better to go first or last in Vinci?

My son is convinced that it's best to go last in Vinci because you have the more complete information of seeing where other players have started their civilizations and you always get last turn (like ...
Joe Golton's user avatar
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Do I roll for reinforcements when I lose a Pygmy due to a Sorcerer taking control of it?

When Pygmies are killed the player can roll the die and get 0-3 new pygmies for his next turn. Does he get to do this if a sorcerer uses his special ability to take control of a lone pygmy? My guess ...
aslum's user avatar
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In Small World: Underground, do the Iron Dwarves keep their hammers from turn to turn?

We just played our first game of Small World: Underground, and we're not sure if we played the Iron Dwarves right. The Iron Dwarves can get Silver Hammer tokens for occupying Mine regions, and it ...
lilserf's user avatar
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