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Questions tagged [yu-gi-oh]

A trading card game where players summon Monsters and activate Spells and Traps to deplete their opponent's Life Points. The game has a strong fantasy theme, and is usually played with 2 players, although it has been adapted to work with more. It has no direct resource system, but utilizes face-down cards in play. It is based on the Japanese anime "Yu-Gi-Oh!" .

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Why these trap cards didn't activate?

I'm playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force 51 and I wonder why this situation happens: In my LP boost deck, I'm using The Immortal of Thunder and, for avoid the second effect of "The Inmortal of Thunder&...
Mauricio Arias Olave's user avatar
-1 votes
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If an effect that triggers when a card is returned to the hand work when a card is returned to the extra deck?

The specific Scenario that prompted the question was dragonmaid downtime and House Dragon Maid on master duel, where downtime effect says "return[the 'Dragonmaid' monster] to the hand, and if you ...
Dave's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

"Time Machine" outcome with special summoned monster - a scenario

I'm playing Yu-Gi-Oh!1 and I have a doubt about the following scenario: Turn 3 - my turn - and in my field I have the following cards: Chimeratech Overdragon (face-up in attack position) - (it was ...
Mauricio Arias Olave's user avatar
1 vote
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Rules about "original ATK" text in cards - a scenario

I'm playing Yu-Gi-Oh!1 and I have a doubt about the following scenario: Turn 3 - my turn - and in my field I have the following cards: Destiny HERO - Defender (face-up in defense position). D2 ...
Mauricio Arias Olave's user avatar
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In modern Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG PSCT, how are effects ordered?

Yu-Gi-Oh! cards often have several effects (and other sentences) in their card texts. For example, Amazoness Onslaught and Toy Magician each have three effects... Once per turn, during the Battle ...
user10478's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can trishula banish cards which remove themselves from the field by quick effect?

Specifically, if I summon "Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier" and non-targeting banish a Blue Eyes spirit dragon and two other cards, can the Spirit Dragon chain 2 tribute itself, ...
Addison Shuppy's user avatar
3 votes
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Hypothetically, if Exodia was unlimited (3 copies), what is the probability curve of summoning?

As many of us know, in the game Yu-gi-Oh! summoning all five pieces of Exodia results in an instant win. Currently, the five pieces of Exodia have a "Limited" status which means only one ...
kleskavivo's user avatar
0 votes
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How to counter Labrynth Labyrinth?

I see some players play Labrynth Labyrinth. The deck simply destroys/negates everything I have and still manages to easily recover more cards from their deck/GY. I have no idea what's their weakness. ...
evilReiko's user avatar
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1 vote
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Yu-Gi-Oh! cards errata's release dates

Is there a way to know exactly when a card has received an erratum? There are some websites like yugipedia or yugioh wiki that collect card errata showing the first edition reprinted after a certain ...
SteDeus's user avatar
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Does mage power work with continuous trap monsters?

With the new ruling from March 2020 come into affect for continuous trap monsters not occupying both zones anymore. If they're still treated as a trap by effect, can mage power be useful? Cards like ...
Gareth Compton's user avatar
2 votes
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Illegal Knight vs Number 59 Crooked Cook

I just want to know this because I don't think it works. The effect of Illegal Knight has you target up to 2 cards your opponent controls and summon it to their field and if you did bounce it back to ...
StuffedPickles's user avatar
1 vote
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Does EDOPro support the duel coasters ruleset?

The Duel Coaster was introduced in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL episode 51: "Roller Duel", and is a special type of duel that takes place on a roller coaster. There are special spots on the track, with ...
bestofthebeast's user avatar
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Can I go down to half a life point in Yu-Gi-Oh? [duplicate]

My son plays Yu-Gi-Oh regularly he wants to know can he go down to half a life point?If he has 1 life point,plays solemn judgement, so pays half his life points to negate the spell it would take him ...
Amanda 's user avatar
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How does keeper of the shrine work?

I play keeper of the shrine. It states that it counts as two tributes for a dragon type monster. Would it then be able to special summon a red eyes b dragon from my hand?
George's user avatar
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How do I calculate the odds of any one of several card combinations?

Note: I know what a multivariate hypergeometric calculator is. Game: Yugioh The deck size/ population is 44 cards. The hand size is 5. For both of these, I'd like to also calculate the odds for ...
Christopher McCauley's user avatar
-6 votes
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Does Konami have this?

Does Konami have e-mail or whatever to fan-cards for Yu-gi-oh? I'm know they not take fan-cards from net, but maybe they have the special e-mail for cards or some contests. I just saw on Yu-gi-oh wiki ...
Aestar's user avatar
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Can a trap card be activated after a monster is flipped face up?

In this example, I have an Elemental HERO Woodsman with 2000 DEF facedown, and a Compulsory Evacuation Device Trap Card facedown. If my opponent attacks with a monster that has 2100 ATK, would I be ...
GrayStriped's user avatar
2 votes
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Clarification on Card Rulings on Exodia

From the Yugioh wiki, there are two rulings that contradict each other: Suppose that both players have "Appropriate" active, and that they are in the middle of a "loop" where both ...
Aphrontos's user avatar
3 votes
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What does Greater Polymerization require?

So it's been years since I've played. I know the rulings for regular Polymerization, but for Greater Poly, does it mean you can use any 3 monsters, or does it have to be the exact materials listed on ...
Kylo Red's user avatar
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What is the purpose of "illegal" cards?

In Yu-Gi-Oh, there are several cards with "You cannot use this card in a duel", such as Chimaera, The Master of Beasts: Since this card cannot be used in a duel, what exactly is the point ...
MechMK1's user avatar
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Can I activate Firewall Dragon multiple times to bounce a card?

If I activate Firewall Dragon to bounce a card and the activation is negated, would I be able to activate Firewall Dragon's effect to bounce again or would it not be able to activate?
Cowboy Quagsire's user avatar
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Strange old cards

I found some old cards when helping my Mum move house. They have multiple of the holo squares on them, all from the 1996 first edition. Are these misprints? Are they rare or valuable to a collector? I ...
kanoisa's user avatar
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YUGIOH Deck building and card cutting

I'm back into the game after 16 long years absence. Aside from getting into the swing of all these new monsters, I find myself constructing a deck again for the first time in a very long time. I ...
notsamleo's user avatar
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What are these Strange Pattern Yugioh Cards

I came across these bizarre looking Yugioh cards in my collection. They look nothing like my other cards. They clearly say Yugioh cards...are they knockoffs? If so, why do they look so bad. Thanks!
Alex K's user avatar
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Can Harpie Dancer re-summon a monster on the turn it was returned to the hand?

Recently, some buddies of mine were having a duel, and one of them used Harpie Dancer’s effect to remove a Wind Monster from the field, then used its second effect to re-summon it. Is this move legal?...
rivers12568's user avatar
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2 answers

Does "on your opponent's 3rd turn" mean after 3 turns?

The text of "Swords of Revealing Light" reads After this card's activation, it remains on the battlefield, but destroy it during the End Phase of your opponent's 3rd turn. In previous ...
Matt Ellen's user avatar
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Enervating Mist vs Silent Wobby, which one is active?

I recently asked myself a random question, what would happen if Enervating Mist (handsize down to 5) and Silent Wobby (limit handsize to 3) were active at the same time. Would it just be last or first ...
Schorsch's user avatar
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What are the odds of drawing five specific cards from a sixty card deck? [duplicate]

In Yugioh, you start out with a five card hand. You have a 40-60 card deck. I run a 60 card Exodia deck, and twice I have drawn all five pieces of Exodia in my starting hand. For those who don’t play, ...
Kieran Byrne's user avatar
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Ignition Effect Priority in Old Yu-Gi-Oh!

I am trying to remember the details of the old mechanic in Yu-Gi-Oh! which was referred to borderline-erroneously as priority, but was actually an ability to use ignition effects in response to ...
user34581's user avatar
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For master rule 4, why can't I occupy two extra monster zone?

I am a beginner at the Yugioh card game. I use sky strikers. Based on the link monster, I can summon the monster from the extra deck to the place where the monster point. Here is a figure: However, I ...
ytyyutianyun's user avatar
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How many times can you activate an ignition effect per turn in yu-gi-oh?

I tried reading the rule book and it didn't say if there was a limit how many times you could do it. I assume there must be. Given a monster with an ignition effect, how many times can I activate it ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
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Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic vs Starlight Road

My opponent controlled "Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic" on their Pendulum zone and has 6 Spell counters scattered on his part of the field. I controlled 2 face-down cards on my S/T ...
Cid's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

World legacy Key Ruling

I have my board completely filled with mekk-knights and world legacy key is face-up on the field. My opponent activates fiendish chain on one of my mekk-knights. Does the effect of fiendish chain ...
BobelLegend's user avatar
-4 votes
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Can Konami accept a Yu-Gi-Oh card that I made? [closed]

I made a Yu-Gi-Oh card but it is not broken like current broken Yu-Gi-Oh cards and here it is to see but please before you make your decision about it take another look on ''dragun of red eyes''.
mohamed fathy's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I use the effects of Kaiju cards my opponent gave to me?

For example; if my opponent special summon a "Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju" to my side of the field, then he summon "Dogoran, The Mad Flame Kaiju" and he activates it's effect... Am I able to ...
Juan DGutiérrez's user avatar
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March of the Monarchs vs Negate Tribute Summon

Player A already has March of the Monarchs active on their field, which protects their tribute summoned monsters from being targeted or destroyed. Player A attempts to tribute summon a monster face-...
evilReiko's user avatar
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How to get “Final Countdown” Spell card in Duel Links?

I am new to Yugioh Duel Links game and am wondering how to get Final Countdown.
Chrono's user avatar
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Would my effects cover my partner's GY as well as mine in a Tag Duel?

Basically, if you and your tag partner both use Dragon Decks, would their effects cover your partner's GY as well?
Paul Rhodes's user avatar
5 votes
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Can the winged dragon of Ra use its effect during another players turn?

One of my friends has the winged dragon of Ra and he payed 1000 LP during my turn to destroy one of my monsters before I could destroy one of his. Is that a legal move?
JEREMIAH BERNAL's user avatar
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Dark Magical Circle vs Masked HERO Blast

My friend and I were playing Dark Magician vs HERO. I had Masked HERO Blast on the field and he activated Dark Magical Circle (DMC). I chained Blast's effect to return the Dark Magical Circle to my ...
Bruce Wayne's user avatar
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Kuraz vs Trap hole, still draw?

Player A summons Kuraz, selects 1 set card to destroy on player B's field, player B chains by activating the set card which is Trap Hole, Kuraz is destroyed, but .. Will Trap Hole is considered "...
evilReiko's user avatar
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What happens to 'Crackdown' when it targets 'Traptrix Sera'?

Apparently, some gullible players forgot 'Traptrix Sera' effect: This Link Summoned card is unaffected by Trap effects. If they decided to target 'Sera' with 'Crackdown' what happens to '...
Cid's user avatar
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2 eternal souls 1 destroyed dm unaffected? Or destroyed

If I control 2 eternal soul and 1 gets destroyed are the dark magicians destroyed or left unaffected due to the other eternal soul?
Charles's user avatar
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Monster unaffected by Spell/Trap vs. Monster given protection via Spell/Trap

If a monster's effect makes it unaffected by spells/traps, what happens if it attacks a monster protected by Waboku or something? Does it still get destroyed?
Circle's user avatar
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How can we play yu-gi-oh online after dueling network's shutdown? [duplicate]

Dueling network shut down after a cease and desist letter. Is there any way to play yu-gi-oh casually online now? I used to like the ability to just make any deck and play casually, I am trying to ...
hellyale's user avatar
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About the Relinquished

I have some concerns about the Relinquished, the effect of which is You can Ritual Summon this card with "Black Illusion Ritual". Once per turn: You can target 1 monster your opponent controls; ...
user avatar
6 votes
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Zero ATK Fighting zero ATK

What happens if a 0 ATK monster attacks another 0 ATK monster? I would say that since monsters do not have any attack, they can't do any damage, so nothing happens. On the other hand there is this ...
user avatar
2 votes
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The End of Anubis vs Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon

I play with a Structure Deck: Zombie Horde and my friend is always using The End of Anubis against me. My Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon has the following effect: Gains 100 ATK/DEF for each Zombie ...
user avatar
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Can you banish maiden with the eyes of blue even if it is face up?

I play Yugioh at school and the main person I play against has a Blue-Eyes deck. He uses Maiden with Eyes of Blue and says I can't destroy it. But I read somewhere that you can banish it. Is this ...
user29783's user avatar
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Lilith Lady of Lament special summoned by Tour Guide from the Underworld

By using Tour Guide from the Underworld, special summoned Lilith Lady of Lament. Q: Can Lilith's effect of tributing monster still be activated? As, tributing 1 dark monster (as a cost), but not have ...
evilReiko's user avatar
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