**A Ritual Summon is a type of Special Summon, and a Tribute Summon is a type of Normal Summon. These types of summoning are distinct, so ritual summoning Chaos Max will not count as a tribute summon.**

Yes, it's true that ritual summoning requires you to **tribute** monsters from your hand or field (or other places, depending on the card), but tributing these monsters is merely a cost for the special summon. Just because tributing is involved doesn't make it the same as normal summoning a level 5 or higher monster by tributing a monster(s) you control.

However, as an aside, it should be noted that in both the case of a ritual summon and a tribute summon, any effect of the tributed monster that triggers when it is tributed will still trigger (for example, [Evoltile Najasho][1]'s effect will trigger regardless of if it was tributed for a tribute summon, a ritual summon or even a card effect like [Big Evolution Pill][2]. 

  [1]: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Evoltile_Najasho
  [2]: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Evolution_Pill