**Gatherer supports Regex. [This search](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&text=+[%22%20get%20%22]+[m/%e2%96%ba.%e2%97%84*/-%e2%96%ba1-9%e2%97%84+/]+![%22until%20end%20of%20turn%22]) produces 27 results, including all of your example, but also some false positives.**

[Here](https://i.imgur.com/9GAuaVj.png) is a screenshot of the search terms. 

The " get " excludes "gets" and "target" results. 

The "m/[.]*/-[1-9]+/" term is the regex, with the leading "m/" and trailing "/" being the signal to treat the enclosed term as regex.

Exclude "until end of turn" to only get permanent P/T modifiers.