Q1.I had [Necroskitter][1] out and my opponent has [Clone][2] which cloned some 3/3 monster. I play [Puncture Blast][3] to kill it. I believe that I get Clone card because of the following steps

 1. Cast puncture bolt
 2. Target Clone creature
 3. Opponent has no response so there for it dies
 4. Because it has -1/-1 counter when it was sent to the graveyard it triggers my Necroskitter
 5. I get to play Clone and I choose a card for my clone to copy

I believe I am right but my friend says that [Clone][2] comes back as 0/0 as therefore dies. Who is right?

Q2. I've seen a couple of questions about the interaction between creatures with -1/-1 counters, a Necroskitter on the field and someone plays a board wipe. Can someone explain why Necroskitter allows the creatures to come back onto the field under their control? I assume that when someone plays a board wipe all the creatures does into the graveyard at the same time. Why is that not the case.

  [1]: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=397683
  [2]: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=129501
  [3]: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=152034