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The 5th Dominion expansion, built around the theme of big money and big actions.

27 votes

Dominion: When to use Platinum and Colony

From the Prosperity rulebook: If only Kingdom cards from Prosperity are being used this game, then the Platinum and Colony piles are added to the Basic cards in the Supply for the game. If a mix of K …
thesunneversets's user avatar
16 votes

Do you need to buy a card when playing treasures in Dominion?

That's fine. From the Dominion rules: The cost of a card is in its lower left corner. The player may play some or all of the Treasure cards from his hand to his play area and add to their value the …
thesunneversets's user avatar
14 votes

When is Loan worth buying?

Beginners in Dominion suffer from the same cognitive problem that beginners in Magic the Gathering do: they only see how much a card costs in terms of what they spent on it. They don't notice another …
thesunneversets's user avatar